Gladys San Juan


London Heist
Script Supervisor
Armed robber and career criminal Jack Cregan seeks to discover the truth behind his father's murder and his stolen heist money and in doing so puts his life in danger. The devastation that Jack soon discovers puts his very own existence into question.
Script Supervisor
Tom (Bill Milner) é baleado no momento em que tenta parar um ataque violento contra sua namorada Lucy (Maisie Williams). Depois de um tempo ele acorda do coma e descobre que fragmentos de seu smartphone foram incorporados no seu cérebro, dando a ele super poderes. Tom usa esse conhecimento e tecnologia para se vingar da gangue responsável pelo ataque.
Star Wars: O Despertar da Força
Script Supervisor
A queda de Darth Vader e do Império levou ao surgimento de uma nova força sombria: a Primeira Ordem. Eles procuram o jedi Luke Skywalker, desaparecido. A resistência tenta desesperadamente encontrá-lo antes para salvar a galáxia.
Script Supervisor
An Emergency Services Operator in a Fire Control Room has just started a long night shift when she picks up a call from a desperate young mother. An hour previously, Gemma had fallen asleep in front of the television and has now woken to find the room full of smoke. Her three year old son is trapped in his bedroom upstairs. Flames have started to creep down the stairs that Gemma must use in order to reach him. The operator’s guidance is all that Gemma can rely on in order to survive.
The Hunt For Gollum
The Hunt For Gollum is a prequel to The Lord of the Rings made by British director Chris Bouchard. The film was faithfully based on appendices written by J.R.R. Tolkien as a serious homage to the material.