Chris Bouchard


A Pequena Sereia
Um jovem repórter vai fazer uma reportagem sobre um circo que diz apresentar uma sereia de verdade. Inicialmente cético, ele leva sua jovem sobrinha na viagem e lá eles descobrem uma bela e encantadora critatura a qual eles acreditam ser realmente uma sereia. Juntos eles embarcar numa aventura de salvar a moça da vida naquele lugar.
Fanarchy explores the rise of fan culture and ways in which fans are threatening the Hollywood system by becoming a creative force in their own right. With affordable technology at their fingertips, fans are producing more new content per month than studios or networks combined. Whether it's an original idea or a personal spin on a favorite film or TV show, fans are taking the reins and blurring the line between amateur and professional. Written and directed by Halifax’s own Donna Davies, Fanarchy exposes the burgeoning media landscape and the issues that complicate it – copyright, intellectual property and the concept of originality in a remix culture.
Hackney's Finest
A small-time drug-dealer gets into big trouble when a corrupt East London cop tries to steal a consignment meant for Welsh-Jamaican Yardies.
Hackney's Finest
A small-time drug-dealer gets into big trouble when a corrupt East London cop tries to steal a consignment meant for Welsh-Jamaican Yardies.
The Hunt For Gollum
The Hunt For Gollum is a prequel to The Lord of the Rings made by British director Chris Bouchard. The film was faithfully based on appendices written by J.R.R. Tolkien as a serious homage to the material.
Dead Wood
Four friends escape the grime of the city and head out into the woods for a peaceful, relaxing weekend...
The Piper
Sound Designer
Tired of infestation of cockroaches in her house but unwilling to kill them, Amy drunkenly wishes for the Pied Piper to come and whisk them away.