Gloria Pall

Gloria Pall

Nascimento : 1927-07-15, Brooklyn, New York, USA

Morte : 2012-12-30


Gloria Pall


Vampira and Me
Though most people knew her as Vampira, a late-night, creature-feature host in Los Angeles, Maila Nurmi was so much more. From her relationships with James Dean and other Hollywood luminaries to her significant contributions to the eventual Goth craze, Nurmi was a multifaceted woman, with more than a few amazing stories to share. Having befriended Nurmi while she was still alive, Greene finds himself perfectly situated to give us the complete story on this fascinating individual, blending extensive interviews with remarkable found footage of Nurmi's long and varied career. Whether being groomed by a major Hollywood director or making a surprising foray into music, Nurmi proves herself to be so much more than a scream queen. Still, when it comes to snappy one-liners cracked at the stroke of midnight, it's certainly safe to say that no one did it better than Vampira.
O Quimono Escarlate
Sugar Torch
Os detetives Charlie Bancroft (Glenn Corbett) e Joe Kojaku (James Shigeta) combateram juntos na Guerra da Coréia e desenvolveram uma forte amizade. Agora, a dupla trabalha na divisão de homicídios da polícia de Los Angeles e tem um caso complicado para investigar: O assassinato de uma dançarina. Enquanto tentam solucionar o caso, os dois acabam se envolvendo em um perigoso triângulo amoroso com uma sedutora e misteriosa mulher.
The Garment Jungle
Model (uncredited)
Alan Mitchell returns to New York to work for his father Walter, the owner of a fashion house that designs and manufactures dresses. To stay non-union, Walter has hired Artie Ravidge, a hood who uses strong-arm tactics to keep the employees in line.
O Mensageiro do Diabo
Burlesque Dancer (uncredited)
Baseado em romance de Davis Grubb, conta a história de um assassino de viúvas ricas que, ao sair da prisão, persegue uma família para encontrar o dinheiro que o pai, que conhecera na cadeia, havia guardado em lugar não revelado. É o único filme dirigido pelo premiado ator Charles Laughton
City of Shadows
After several years of supporting parts, Victor McLaglen once more landed a leading role in Republic's City of Shadows. McLaglen plays Big Tim Channing, an ageing but powerful gangster who raises young newsboy Dan Mason as his own son. Upon reaching adulthood, Mason (John Baer) becomes a law student, with the covert (and illegal) help of Channing. Despite his checkered past, Mason opts for honesty when he falls in love with Fern Fellows (Kathleen Crowley). This decision ultimately spells the doom for Mason's mentor Big Tim.
Vinte Mil Léguas Submarinas
Blonde Girlfriend (uncredited)
Quando vários navios são abalroados e afundados por um misterioso monstro marinho nas águas do Pacífico, um professor de biologia marinha francês é convidado pelo governo americano a integrar a tripulação de um navio que irá tentar caçá-lo. Mas o que ninguém sabe é que o monstro é um submarino com um misterioso capitão, senhor de um notável saber que não está disposto a partilhar.
Mosqueteiros do Mar
Three sailors finally get some shore leave, and go in search of fun and girls.
Commando Cody: Sky Marshal of the Universe
The Moon Girl
Dangerous climate changes are ravaging Earth and the U.S. government requests an investigation by masked super-scientist Commando Cody. He discovers that the disasters are being caused by space-alien forces from unknown planetary origins.