This historical drama depicts the waning days of the life of Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna, the 19th century president of Mexico who, in 1847, waged a war against the United States that ultimately cost his nation half of its territory
Five elderly men form a music group and run away from the nursing home where they are interns with the hope of playing for an audience. They confront th city, the nursing home authorities, the police and all those who wish to destroy their dream which finally comes true when they are contracted to serve as musical background for strippers of a second class cabaret. In case i never see you again, is a movie about life, death, melancholy and the quest for happiness.
Virginia and Nacho, is a poor marriage, living precariously on their meager salaries, insufficient to support his child nine years of age. Until fortune smiles and Nacho wins a late model car. But sometimes it's better that luck will smile.
Um novato ingénuo na patrulha rodoviária mexicana precisa se adaptar para sobreviver, enquanto enfrenta perigosos traficantes de drogas e corrupção generalizada.
Benjamin is an old bachelor who lives with his sister. One day he falls in love with the young Natividad. Seeing that the love letter strategy doesn't work with the girl, Benjamín decides to kidnap her.