Ella Gombaszögi

Ella Gombaszögi


Ella Gombaszögi


Gizi mamája
My Daughter Is Different
Gizi, Hubay Péter felesége
Gitta is 20 years old, a girl with modern attitudes, who is courted by Ferenc Fekete. Not particularly liked by Gitta's parents, especially her old-fashioned father, Fekete dates Gitta in secret.
Pay Madame
Poldi, házvezetőnő
Lovagias ügy
Irén and Manci are to pass their final exam at the grammar school. They both want to become actresses
Szent Péter esernyője
Blanche,a nevelőnő
The Ugly Girl
Bogdán felesége
Dr.Halmi a nokkel szemben nagyon szigoru elveket vall. Alkalmazottkent irodajaban csak csunya noket tur meg. Igy mit tehet a szegeny allastalan titkarno? Egy paroka es egy szemuveg segitsegevel, ven satrafanak alcazva magat hamarosan az ugyved nelkulozhetetlen titkarnojeve valik...
Miss President
The young, immature Zsuzsa Várkonyi becomes the president of the Várkonyi Textile Factory. When the managing director proposes to her, she tells him she is in love with a young engineer who she doesn't really know anything about.
Melitta, társalkodónö
The Dream Car
Kerekes Anna
A light hearted comedy, from the thirties. One of the most successful ones in Hungary. The ever enchanting story of a beautiful girl falling in love with a rich man.
The New Relative
Emma néni
The story takes place in a small village manor-house off Vásárosladány. Sándor leads a quiet life with his wife, son and the now poor relatives of his wife, one which is characterized by the monotony of rural boredom. The arrival of another poor relative, Kitty, a young girl brought up in America, whose way of thinking reflects modern times, puts an end to this overwhelming monotony.
Ida regénye
Eine Nacht in Venedig
Egy éj Velencében
Pardon, tévedtem
Kísértetek vonata
Remake of the English movie Ghost Train (1931, Walter Forde). Seven people are stranded for a stormy night at a remote, unmanned railroad station past which, every midnight, steams the "ghost" of a train which wrecked there 20 years ago.