Albert Welling

Albert Welling

Nascimento : 1952-02-29, London, England, UK


Albert Welling
Albert Welling


O Domingo das Mães
Mr Paxton
Inglaterra, 1924. Jane Fairchild trabalha como doméstica na casa dos Niven. Ela ganha uma folga no Dia das Mães, enquanto o sr. e a sra. Niven participam da celebração do noivado de Paul, filho de seus vizinhos. Jane está feliz com a repentina liberdade em um lindo domingo de primavera. Por quase sete anos, ela foi amante de Paul. Como os Nivens, o rapaz pertence à velha aristocracia inglesa, enquanto Jane ficou órfã quando nasceu. Hoje será o último dia deles como amantes, e também o dia que marcará o início da transformação de Jane. Com Odessa Young, Josh O'Connor, Olivia Colman, Colin Firth e Glenda Jackson. Seleção dos Festivais de Cannes e Toronto e da 45ª Mostra de Cinema de São Paulo, em 2021.
A Grande Mentira
German Industrialist
Ron, um vigarista de marca maior, está de olho em sua próxima vítima, a viúva Betty que vale milhões. Mas, ao longo do tempo em que eles passam juntos, o que deveria ser apenas mais um golpe, torna-se um jogo de gato e rato valiosíssimo que ameaça expor os segredos e mentiras pelo qual todas as pessoas vivem.
Caindo no Mundo
Mr. Waring
A década de 1970 chegou. Os tempos estão mudando. Mas nem tudo está na mesma sintonia. Escrita por Ricky Gervais e Stephen Merchant, uma nova comédia hilária e tocante sobre três amigos que sonham livrar-se da vidinha pacata e acomodada de Cemetery Junction. Cientes de que não podem passar o resto de suas vidas bebendo, brigando e aprontando, eles são forçados a tomarem uma atitude. Nada é tão simples como gostariam, principalmente porque um deles se apaixona pela filha do chefe, e para complicar um pouco mais, a moça está noiva. Para alcançarem o que desejam, eles terão de se rebelar contra as regras, custe o que custar.
Dia D – 6.6.44
Field Marshal Erwin Rommel
On June 6th, 1944 the largest military invasion and defence the world has ever seen occurred. D-Day tells the epic story of the preparation and execution of the Allied invasion of Normandy. It tells the story of the defence of the Western Front by the forces of the German Empire, and of the complex and deadly secret war fought by the men and women of France and mainland Europe. D-Day brings to life the dramatic and astounding tales of courage and sacrifice, joy and despair, love and betrayal. The planning for the Allied invasion on June 6th 1944 took two years and cost thousands of lives. It involved a deception of breathtaking audacity. Both the preparation leading up to and the actions and events on the day itself relied on the absolute discretion of many and the genius and nerve of a few. D-Day examines the intricate jigsaw from both sides - presenting events through the eyes of the men and women who were there, telling their extraordinary stories.
Mr. Bryant
The meeting of the quiet Helen North and the charismatic Carla on a beautiful Greek island leads to tragic consequences.
Anybody's Nightmare
Ewen Smith
Based on the true story of Shelia Bowler, accused of murdering her elderly aunt.
The Murder of Stephen Lawrence
Jury Foreman
Stephen Lawrence was a black London teenager murdered by white racists in 1993. His parents fought to have the crime properly investigated, culminating in a judicial enquiry into the event itself and also the inadequacies of the ensuing investigation by the London Metropolitan Police.
A história de Oscar Wilde, gênio, poeta, dramaturgo e o Primeiro Homem Moderno. A auto-realização de sua homossexualidade causou enorme tormento a Wilde, ao manipular casamento, paternidade e responsabilidade com seu amor obsessivo por lorde Alfred Douglas.
Backbeat - Os Cinco Rapazes de Liverpool
Os Cinco Rapazes de Liverpool é um drama musical enérgico que mostra os Beatles antes da fama em sua viagem a Hamburgo na busca do sucesso. Enquanto conquistam popularidade, o "quinto Beatle", o baixista Stuart Sutcliffe (Stephen Dorff) se apaixona e tem que escolher entre seu melhor amigo John Lennon, seu novo amor (Sheryl Lee) e a maior banda de rock do mundo.
Anthony Blunt is an eminent Cambridge-educated art historian who is also working as a spy for the Soviet Union. In love with double agent Guy Burgess, he helps Burgess get yet another treasonous British agent to safety in Moscow. When Burgess unexpectedly defects as well, the government becomes suspicious of Blunt, but investigators have trouble believing such a refined and aristocratic gentleman would ever betray his nation and his class.
Raspberry Ripple
The Doctor
A clever paraplegic man, haunted by visions of imaginary gangsters, becomes desperate to leave the "cripple" facility he's stuck in. To get out, he must outwit the facility's matron and the constant surveillance of one of his fellows.
A Voyage Round My Father
A successful lawyer struck with blindness in middle age continues his battles in the courtroom with the assistance of his family. As his son deals with bitter memories of their relationship, he also seeks his father's respect and love and in the process learns to love in return.
Stronger Than the Sun
Kate works in the nuclear industry. She is concerned about the way things are being run. So she smuggles out some Plutonium to prove how easy it is. She tries to pass it on to protest groups, but nobody is interested as they have their own agendas.
A Good Human Story
A trio of journalists look into the murder of a young girl in a seaside town. For the men though it’s more about who gets the big story than solving the crime. (Memorable TV)
The Country Party
Comedy drama written by Brian Clark.