Rohan é um estudante e atleta de uma medíocre Universidade Pishorilal Chamandas. Um dia, ele sonha em tornar-se o Estudante do Ano. A sua vida sofre uma reviravolta quando é aceite na Universidade St. Teresa, encontra o seu rival Manav e as belas Shreya e Mia começam a apaixonar-se por ele. A sua vida fica emaranhada pela competição, fracasso, manipulação e desgostos.
Priyanka D. Mehra
Shortly after Malabar Hill-based Dhruv Mehra leaves home, his wife, Priyanka, is rendered unconscious. When she regains her senses, she finds herself tied to a chair and confronted by a unkempt male with a gun who informs her that he has been hired to kill her. She subsequently tells him that she was about to kill herself because Dhruv is having an affair with Tanya, his Secretary, and is with her even today - which is their 10th wedding anniversary. The killer, Pritam Kumar Chaturvedi, who is being telephonically counseled by Dr. Bandopadhyay, holds off killing her, and hides in their bedroom when Dhruv returns. Priyanka confronts him about the killer and he denies hiring anyone to kill her, and instead tells her that the killer is an impostor who wants their money. The question remains: who will Priyanka believe under these circumstances?