Eftihia Fanarioti

Eftihia Fanarioti


Eftihia Fanarioti
Eftihia Fanarioti
Eftihia Fanarioti
Eftihia Fanarioti


Karditsa Forever
Great intrigues, dollar investments, scams in scandals, hidden passions, miraculous products and many more frantic confusions, give and take in the new spartan family comedy that is seen with bated breath (from laughter!)
The Bachelor
A mistake made by the bride rejoins 4 old friends of disaster and a father in law! 5 guys go to Thassaloniki to tear everything down. A father in law gets in a hearse in order to kill a love in the making. An ex-girlfriend dances tango with her memories as a partner. A cancelled wedding and a relationship that starts with the brides vail floating at the wind of independence.
Klearchos, Marina and Short
Thessaloniki, 2015. The mature family man Klearchos (Greek City) constantly flirted shamelessly, throwing the blame on innocent groom, Fight. In order to meet in Istanbul beautiful neighbor, Iro, used again as a cover for the groom. So while the Mahos goes City for massages and treatments in sore hand, the Klearchos agrees with his wife, Marina, to follow him secretly and perhaps has a mistress. But a twist of fate will bring the Marina, along with their daughter, Town unexpected results.
Δε Θα Με Τρελάνεις Εσύ Εμένα
Λάρισα Εμπιστευτικό
Η ζωή στην Πεζούλα και τη Βρυσούλα κυλούσε αρμονικά. Βοηθάει βέβαια το ότι υπήρχε ένας τοίχος ανάμεσα στα δύο χωριά, χτισμένος από άκρη σε άκρη, κι έτσι κανείς δεν ανακατευόταν στη δουλειά του άλλου. Όταν όμως έρχεται ο Καλλικράτης να ενώσει τα δυο χωριά, έρχονται τα πάνω-κάτω! Ένας μεγαλοδημοσιογράφος πεθαίνει, το εργοστάσιο βιολογικού καθαρισμού διχάζει, ο υπουργός λαδώνεται, οι μίζες πάνε κι έρχονται, το ΣΔΟΕ ανακατεύεται, οι άνθρωποι της νύχτας ενοχλούνται, ατομικά και τοπικά συμφέροντα μπλέκονται, ενώ οι εκπλήξεις και οι ξεκαρδιστικές καταστάσεις διαδέχονται η μία την άλλη...
An arrogant politician feeds his mail ego in meeting with a Russian call girl. At the same time his wife, a young hysterical star, picks a fight on set with a talk-show hostess who is in a loveless marriage with a yuppie manager who vents in therapy.
Στον Αστερισμό Του Λαμπάντα