Nadia Cameron-Blakey

Nadia Cameron-Blakey

Nascimento : , Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada


Nadia Cameron-Blakey
Nadia Cameron-Blakey
Nadia Cameron-Blakey
Nadia Cameron-Blakey


The Station Master
A lonely Station Master at a remote, rural outpost encounters a woman stranded overnight at his station, and after some hesitation, invites her to spend the night in the warmth of his humble home. This unexpected encounter reawakens the Station Master's enthusiasm for life as the two talk long into the night, but in the morning, when her train arrives, will she leave along with his heart?
Lena is a young art student new to London. Calling it her art project, she obsessively follows and takes pictures of an unwitting Sol. He is a scruffy, charismatic 20 year old, by all appearances homeless, who drifts around in numerous detached relations to people affiliated with the art scene. Her project takes a wrong turn when Sol discovers her. Fascinated by her odd behaviour, Sol is now the one to follow her.
Act of God
DI Anna Freedland
When a heart surgeon chooses to save one female patient's life over another, her boyfriend looks for revenge.
Tinha Que Ser Você
Attractive Woman
Em Londres para o casamento de sua filha, um compositor de jingles perde o avião para Nova York e, assim, perde o emprego. Enquanto afoga suas mágoas no bar do aeroporto, Harvey conhece Kate, uma funcionária do governo britânico que está presa em um ciclo interminável de trabalho, chamadas de telefone de sua mãe e encontros com homens desconhecidos. A ligação se forma entre o casal infeliz, que em breve se apaixonam.
Mr. Kuka's Advice
Young Waldek wants to earn some money abroad and asks his experienced neighbour, Mr Kuka, for advice. When he finally gets to Vienna, he can confront the reality with what he has been told about.
Batman - O Início
Additional Restaurant Guest #1
Logo após o assassinato dos seus pais, o herdeiro do império industrial Wayne viaja pelo mundo, procurando meios para lutar contra a injustiça e virar o medo contra aqueles que perseguem os indefesos. No regresso da viagem, Bruce Wayne percebe que pode assumir um alter-ego, o de homem-morcego, um super-herói finalmente capaz de combater as forças do mal e proteger a sua cidade e o mundo.
Smallpox 2002: Silent Weapon
Rachel Smits
A docu-drama that reports on a (fictitious) attack made by terrorist using the disease of small pox to attack the world. Starting in New York the attack is ruthlessly carried out by one man travelling around the city infecting people as he goes. Using hindsight and video diaries the film looks back on the global impact of a silent attack that affected the world.
Falling Through
A newly hired security expert on the American Embassy in Paris questions who to trust, as he investigates an elaborate passport faking scheme.
Touch and Go
Pam Bevan
Nick and Alison, a young couple although married for several years, find their sex-life is uninspiring. After much agonising, they decide to visit a wife-swapping club in a risky attempt to reinvigorate their marriage. However, after initial positive effects on their relationship, the activity begins to threaten the basis of their marriage.
007: O Amanhã Nunca Morre
Beth Davidson
James Bond descobre que o magnata da mídia Elliot Carver colocou em prática um plano para manipular as superpotências e expandir seus negócios. O agente deve impedir que essa ideia doentia provoque uma nova guerra mundial.
Crystal of the Lake
A modern-day retelling of the Arthurian legend with the Lady of the Lake as a reporter and Pendragon as an evil businessman. Merlin's immortal apprentice is trying to protect a powerful sword forged by Merin from the clutches of Pendragon.