An actor called Šnajdr is given an opportunity to make his debut as a director. He doesn’t think twice about leaving Prague and dashing off to Olomouc, where he is met by the grumpy director of the town’s cultural centre and his eccentric grandma, who is to be the star of his production and who's perfectly attuned to his sense of humour and mystification… A bittersweet comedy directed by Miroslav Krobot and starring Pavel Šimčík and Iva Janžurová.
Majitel panoptika
Urban, um órfão, serve como aprendiz a um ganancioso mestre relojoeiro. Quando Urban cresce, apaixona-se pela filha do relojoeiro Laura e quer casar com ela. Antes que isso aconteça, o mestre envia seu aprendiz ao mundo com a tarefa de procurar um relógio mítico que possa alertar sobre a morte. Ninguém sabe se o relógio existe, mas se Urban não o trouxer de volta, Laura nunca será sua esposa. Assim, o aprendiz de relojoeiro inicia uma longa jornada cheia de dificuldades, que deve superar com bravura, habilidade e bom coração.
The devil's magic quill keeps a tight record of sins. But when this precious artifact is stolen, a demon must find a way to make things right again.
Bürgermeister Potuzak
Schmitke is an old German wind turbine engineer. One day, he is dispatched to the Czech side of the Ore Mountains to fix an old squeaking wind turbine. His colleague disappears and mysterious things begin to happen in the forest.
The film's main theme is obsession. An obsession with love, with art, originality, copying, with success, money and... with oneself. Sooner or later, if we lose our rational upper hand over it and let ourselves be dragged down by it, every obsession leads to destruction. But it is only when being dragged down, in spite of all the cuts and bruises, that we find a unique DELIGHT, if only for a few short moments - and what else is life really about? It is like a drug. What at first seems to be weak and trivial is capable of expanding and growing into a serious problem that can appear to be absolutely incomprehensible and absurd to those who have never experienced anything like it.
Seis adolescentes abandonaram a sua cidade natal para ir a Praga depois de se formar no ensino médio. Agora, no seus trinta, fazem um balance das suas vidas. É tarde demais para uma mudança? Poderão os protagonistas encontrar um novo sentido em suas vidas vivendo juntos em uma fazenda idílica no campo?