Um dos homens mais polêmicos da sua época, Alexander Hamilton era um estadista talentoso, derrubado pelas falhas fatais da teimosia, extrema franqueza e arrogância. A sua vida e carreira foram marcadas por uma impressionante ascensão ao poder, escândalo e tragédia. Mas as suas contribuições sobrevivem. Como secretário do Tesouro durante os primeiros anos tumultuados da república, Hamilton liderou a transformação do jovem país em uma potência industrial.
Based on eight years of continued prosperity, presidents and economists alike confidently predicted that America would soon enter a time when there would be no more poverty, no more depressions -- a "New Era" when everyone could be rich. But when reality finally struck, the consequences of such unbound optimism shocked the world.
Features clips from 21 documentary and animation film classics, interviews with NFB filmmakers past and present, and incisive commentary from film critics and historians on the role and influence of the NFB during its first half century of existence.
An interview with playwright and screenwriter Samson Raphaelson. First aired on PBS's "Creativity with Bill Moyers".
An interview with playwright and screenwriter Samson Raphaelson. First aired on PBS's "Creativity with Bill Moyers".
Bureaucracy shapes our lives and guides us from the cradle to the grave. This documentary lays bare the idiosyncrasies of bureaucracy, whether in Canada, Austria, Hungary, the Vatican or the Virgin Islands. It also attempts to make the functioning of the public service more comprehensible. The absurdities of bureaucratic behaviour are exposed with humour and irreverence.