The film portrays the renowned illustrator David Polonsky, during his work on a new children’s book. Along with his masterpieces: “Waltz with Bashir” (Winner of the Golden Globe) “The Congress” (Winner of the European Film Awards) and “Anne Frank’s Diary: The Graphic Adaptation” (Which was published all over the world) the film also depicts Polonsky’s own intimate world as a child who immigrated to Israel from Kiev and as an artist who’s art explores identity and roots.
What had initially started out as a Jewish revolt against the Roman occupation, quickly turned into a fierce civil war. The combination of religious messianic zeal and the friction between social classes proved disastrous and resulted in the destruction of Jerusalem and the Holy Temple.
Production Design
Uma atriz desempregada aceita uma grande quantia de um estúdio de cinema de Hollywood para ser escaneada e digitalizada com o objetivo de criar uma atriz virtual. Adaptado de um romance de Stanisław Lem (Solaris).
Art Direction
Em um bar, um amigo conta ao diretor Ari Folman sobre um sonho constante que tem, no qual é perseguido por 26 cães ferozes. Através da conversa, eles concluem que a imagem tem ligação com sua missão na 1ª Guerra do Líbano, no início dos anos 1980, quando defendia o exército de Israel. Como Ari nada se lembra do evento, ele passa a buscar e entrevistar seus velhos companheiros da época.
Young Fuzzy
Billy Carson arrives in King City looking for two men and kills them both. Caught by the Marshal he tells his story.