Kazuhiko Nishimatsu

Kazuhiko Nishimatsu

Nascimento : , Tokyo, Japan


Kazuhiko Nishimatsu


Asylum Session
Elder (voice)
Hiyoko wants to become an artist like her mother, but her father would prefer that she took a different career path. Enraged when she notices that he took all paintings done by her mother from the house, she decides to run away. Unable to find a place to sleep among her acquaintances, she ends up at Asylum Stadium, an abandoned field that is shelter for many homeless, but that is about to be torn down by the government. There she meets Akira, a strange individual capable of flying.
Chokin Senshi, Cashman
Chapat é um policial do planeta Biretojin que pousa forçadamente na Terra quando sua nave é atingida por criminosos espaciais e passa a viver disfarçado como terráqueo. Agora ele precisa juntar dinheiro para comprar ouro, o combustível de sua nave. Para isso, sob o codinome de Cashman, ele passa a cobrar para fazer qualquer tipo de serviço.