Bernard Pivot

Bernard Pivot

Nascimento : 1935-05-05, Lyon, Rhône, France


Bernard Pivot is a French journalist, interviewer and host of cultural television programmes. After starting law studies in Lyon, Pivot entered the Centre de formation des journalistes in Paris where he met his future wife, Monique. After an internship at Le Progrès in Lyon, he joined the Figaro Littéraire in 1958. In 1985, Pivot created the Championnats mondiaux d'orthographe (world spelling championships). He has been Chairman of the Académie Goncourt from 2014 to 2019.


Bernard Pivot


Swing Rendez-vous
Théodore, a strange and shy parisian man, discovers a song with supernatural power. An old jazz classic from the 1920s which will be make instantaneously make two people love each other. He has to find this song to seduce Amandine, the love of his life. His investigation leads him to New York City, where he meets a community of young jazzmen.
La TV des 70's : Quand Giscard était président
Self (archive footage)
In May 1974, Valéry Giscard d'Estaing became President of the Republic and wanted to bring about a new era of modernity. One of his first decisions was to break up the ORTF with the creation of three new television channels: TF1, Antenne 2 and FR3. Three new public channels but autonomous and competing. It is a race for the audience which is engaged then, and from now on the channels will make the war! This competition will give birth to a real golden age for television programs, with variety shows in the forefront. The stars of the song are going to invade the living rooms of the French for their biggest pleasure. This unedited documentary tells the story of the metamorphosis of this television of the early 1970s, between freedom of tone, scandals, political intrigues and programs that have become mythical.
Mitterrand et la télé
Self (archive footage)
May 10th, 1981. François Mitterrand is elected President of the Republic. The “soviet tanks” supposedly coming upon the Champs-Élysées dressed in red, feared by some, did not march. Serge Moati takes a personal look at this episode, focusing on the relationship the president had with television, that he witnessed and played a role in.
Delphine and Carole
Self (archive footage)
In the 70s, actress Delphine Seyrig and director Carole Roussopoulos, both militant feminists, were the pioneers of video activism in France. They documented the demonstrations of French feminists and used the new technologies to counter the poor representation of women in the public media.
Life and Fate by Vassili Grossman
Self - TV Host (archive footage)
The convoluted and moving story of Russian writer Vassili Grossman (1905-64) and his novel Life and Fate (1980), a literary masterpiece, a monumental and epic account of life under Stalin's regime of terror, a defiant cry that the KGB tried to suffocate.
Belmondo, le magnifique
Self (archive footage)
Valérian, histoire d'une création
I Betrayed Hitler
Self (archive footage)
During the worst days of World War II, the British government asks the mathematician Alan Turing to unravel the mysteries of the German Enigma encryption machine, an impossible task to accomplish without the invaluable information that Hans-Thilo Schmidt, a disenchanted but greedy German citizen, had been handing over to the French secret services since 1931.
Les vendredis d'Apostrophes
40 years of "Apostrophes". Hours and historical meetings, Pierre Assouline has composed an anthology of the best extracts presented in the form of a primer, which he had commented on by a surprised Bernard Pivot.
A Era da Inocência
Em seus sonhos, Jean-Marc LeBlanc (Marc Labrèche) é um cavaleiro valente, uma estrela dos palcos, um artista que vive com mulheres a seus pés e em sua cama. Mas, na realidade, é um sujeito muito diferente. Cidadão comum, seu trabalho é ouvir pacientemente pessoas que chegam a seu departamento procurando ajuda. Em casa, sua mulher está muito ocupada para prestar atenção nele e seus filhos adolescentes não lhe dão a mínima. A tentação de seguir vivendo em sua terra de sonhos é muito grande, mas Jean-Marc decide se dar uma última chance no mundo real.
Un fil à la patte
Bois d'Enghien, engaged to a young girl from a good family, has to break up with Lucette Gautier, his mistress, a dilettante of salons. Not having been able to tell her of his break-up, he finds her at her fiancée's house, invited for the event. A Mexican general, jealous of his rivals, arrives and complicates the situation, as does a notary clerk, Bouzin, a singer in his spare time.
Bleu, blanc, rose
Self (archive footage)
"Homosexuality, this painful problem "... It was thirty years ago, the title of a program of Ménie Grégoire! But what has happened since the seventies, when France was transformed and the gay movement emerged? For gays and lesbians, thirty years of fights, hopes and despairs, thirty years of parties, sufferings and mournings, victories and emancipation. Thirty revolutionary years, pink and black, on which Yves Jeuland has examined, in an approach that is at once documentary, historian and ethnographer. First part: "Red years" (1971/1979) "Pink years" (1979/1984) Second part "Black years" (1983/1991) "Rainbow years" (1992/2002)
The Gods Must Be Daring
A priceless statuette "Dancing God" is transfered from Africa to France. Scoundrels of all stripes are dreaming of steeling it. The most clever of them are trying to replace the original with the copy. Chases, adventures, breathtaking stunts, shootouts - life is not worth a penny, when the priceless treasure is on stake.
Forgery and the Use of Forgeries
Bernard Pivot
Fleeing fame, the writer Anatole Hirsch decides to publish his new book under the name of his cousin, Martin Bassane. This book wins the Prix Goncourt. A film inspired by the story of Romain Gary.
Going and Coming Back
Bernard Pivot
Salomé Lerner just finished writing an autobiography. She goes to a TV show called "Apostrophes", hosted by French TV showman Bernard Pivot. Pivot then imagines a film that could be created from her gripping story. A film entirely made of music because after seeing the young pianist Erik Berchot, Salomé believes seeing her long lost brother, who was a musician as well. A brother she had lost along with her parents in 1943. However, the Lerners did in fact escape the gestapo and might have based themselves in Paris...
Maso and Miso Go Boating
Self (archive footage)
O ano de 1975 é declarado “o ano da mulher,” e Bernard Pivot convida Françoise Giroud, então Secretária do Estado, para o seu programa de TV. Confrontando uma série de declarações misóginas, o coletivo de cineastas femininas “Les Insoumuses” faz uma paródia provocadora dos temas apresentados.