Gabrielle Lloyd

Gabrielle Lloyd


Gabrielle Lloyd
Gabrielle Lloyd


Miss Branson
Primorosamente escrito e dirigido com um elenco de primeira, Lassie é uma aventura emocionante e cativante sobre um cão fiel determinado a reencontrar sua família a qualquer custo. Esta mágica adaptação sobre uma collie que enfrenta obstáculos incríveis em sua jornada de volta para casa vai agradar adultos e crianças. Um conto clássico sobre amizade e coragem que vai derreter até o mais gelado dos corações.
The Two Loves of Anthony Trollope
Rose Trollope
Documentary that gives background on Trollope's life from childhood, adolescence, adulthood and death.
Hearts of Gold
An old-fashioned love story set in the South Wales valleys during the 1930s. Well-to-do doctor Andrew joins his father's infirmary, and in miner's daughter Bethan finds a spirit lacking in his previous girlfriends. The two fall in love, but their differing backgrounds prove a major sticking point.
A Lenda do Cavaleiro Sem Cabeça
Doctor Lancaster's Wife
Em 1799, uma série de crimes envolvendo inocentes acontece no pequeno vilarejo de Sleepy Hollow. Para investigar o caso é chamado o detetive nova-iorquino Ichabod Crane (Johnny Depp), um excêntrico e determinado oficial de polícia com um jeito avant-garde de solucionar crimes. Os métodos investigativos de Ichabod serão postos à prova neste caso, que envolve um ser sobrenatural que pode ser o causador de todos os crimes.
Agatha Burch
An upper class English family owns a villa in the Irish countryside. When the man of the house leaves to fight in WW2, his mother, wife, dying butler, maid and other staff's life becomes a bit hectic and some love affairs start to bloom.
Fair Game
Auntie Alice
It is 1970, there is World Cup and General Election fever. Marco, a wealthy Italian has come to England to discover his true identity. Carl, a student is torn between canvassing for the Labour party, watching the World Cup or going on a walking holiday with his girlfriend Ellie. Their paths cross in Preston library and the three take an epic journey across the Pennines.
Robin Hood: O Herói dos Ladrões
Gammer Tanzie recent Widow
Após o nobre saxão Robert Hode confrontar Sir Miles Folcanet a respeito de sua cruel agressão contra um aldeão, Folcanet insiste que o Barão Roger Daguerre lhe dê uma punição por sua insolência. Daguerre, sendo amigo do Hode, sugere uma pena leve; Hode se rebela e foge para floresta de Sherwood, onde ele se torna Robin Hood.
Henry VI Part 2
Simpcox's Wife
The life of King Henry the Sixth, in three parts.
Twelve-year-old Jude has never met Dick, his father. One Sunday afternoon Dick impulsively engineers a meeting, which has distressing consequences.
O Primeiro Assalto de Trem
Elizabeth Trent
Na Inglaterra Vitoriana de 1855, dois homens e uma mulher planejam roubar o ouro de um trem em movimento. Liderados por um ladrão experiente, eles elaboram um plano detalhado para a ação que ficará conhecida como o primeiro roubo a trem de que se tem notícia.
Sandy Clifton
A small town shopkeeper is conned into standing for an extreme right-wing party at a by-election and later discovers his financed by the corporation that has dispossessed him of his business.
Saturday, Sunday, Monday
One Saturday evening Rosa Priore is preparing a magnificent Sunday lunch for her family and their friends. By Sunday afternoon her life and marriage are in ruins.
A Choice of Evils
Maria Cinelli
Cardinal Volponi tries to save his old friend, a priest-turned-militant communist, from being executed by the Nazis alongside 334 other hostages but struggles to reason with either the Vatican, the Nazis or his friend.
Well Thank You, Thursday
Miss Shepherd of the registry office is getting a new desk, but things don't go entirely as expected.
The Love-Girl and the Innocent
A BBC television adaptation of Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn's novel. The prisoner Nemov is an honest man serving a term of 10 years for violations of Article 58. Nemov falls in love with Lyuba, who is having sex with the camp doctor Mereshchun, in exchange for better food and living conditions.