Katsuhiko Kawamoto

Katsuhiko Kawamoto

Nascimento : 1966-02-11,


Katsuhiko Kawamoto


Naruto Shippuden O Filme: O Caminho Ninja
Deidara (voice)
Com a Kyuubi selada as coisas começam a voltar ao normal, mas a paz na Vila de Konoha é interrompida quando os membros da Akatsuki reaparecem. Naruto e outros ninjas conseguem impedi-los. Depois da bem-sucedida missão, os familiares dos jovens ninjas que participaram do combate escrevem cartas para a Hokage recomendando que seus filhos se tornem jounins. Como Naruto não tem pais ele fica depressivo com essa situação, é quando Madara aparece em Konoha e ataca Naruto e Sakura com um novo e misterioso doujutsu.
Tatsuya, a boy who refuses to attend school, is hired by a fat store manager to work at a pet shop. Tatsuya, who had a feeling that he couldn't finish it, decided to take charge of the store by himself. One day, a woman named Mitsuruko who came to see the rabbit came to the store. However, the rabbit she was looking for was stuck in the basket before she knew it, and the two buried the rabbit. From that day on, her life with her husband has been chilling, and her real uriko loves her Tatsuya, who becomes lustful for her.