Nimo Gandhi

Nimo Gandhi


Nimo Gandhi


Out and About
Mr. Ghandi
Inside the mind of a middle-aged man as he tries to come to terms with his life over the course of an afternoon walk through his hometown.
Plano B
Indian Man
Depois de um lamentável primeiro encontro sexual, uma estudante certinha do ensino médio e sua melhor amiga preguiçosa têm 24 horas no coração da América para ir atrás de uma pílula para o Plano B.
How far would a mother go to reverse her child’s fate? Based on writer/director Ann Hu’s story, that’s the question facing Lan (Zhu Zhu), who travels with her 9-year-old daughter Meimei (Harmonie He) from their small town in China to New York City.
Doesn't Fall Far
Middle-Aged Man
A Father and a Son each have a secret. When both secrets come to light in the span of an evening, the two men must decide how to move forward in an attempt to salvage their relationship.
Cantos Arredondados
Rounded Corners is a quirky, uplifting drama/comedy about a motherless girl and her new babysitter. At first, the girl and the babysitter have little in common. The girl, Sarah, is focused on school, colleges, jobs, and the financial markets. The babysitter, Nellie, is a carefree, happy person who worked in a restaurant before getting hired by Sarah’s father, Steve, to spend time with Sarah over summer vacation. Over time, Nellie teaches Sarah several important lessons about life, and finally prods Sarah into talking about what happened to her mother. Sarah has only fleeting memories about her mother, and is afraid to ask her father about the truth. It turns out, Sarah is also afraid of insects. Nellie teaches Sarah to overcome her fears, to find strength, and how to find balance that is missing in her life. We find out that Nellie had a life experience years ago that gave her strength to work through life struggles and achieve something amazing in her own right.
Where Is Kyra?
Kitchen Manager
Sobre a pressão após ser demitida, uma mulher luta para sobreviver. Conforme os meses passam e seus problemas aumentam, ela embarca em uma viagem perigosa e misteriosa que ameaça roubar sua vida.
Street Vendor
Lu (Ellen Page), uma jovem independente, teve o seu dinheiro roubado pelo ex-namorado. pobre e morando em uma van, ela decide procurar a mãe dele, Margo (Allison Janney), que não a conhece e nega ajudar. Em um hotel buscando por comida, Lu conhece uma mãe descuidada para cuidar da sua filha. Lu decide "resgatar" a criança e levá-la até Margo, dizendo que a bebê é a neta dela.
Jeremy Fink and the Meaning of Life
Jeremy Fink and his best friend Lizzy must search high and low throughout the streets of Manhattan for clues to unlock the mysterious box he received a month before his birthday.
Contra Corrente
Após perder a mulher grávida, um homem decide marcar a sua passagem pelo mundo com um feito desportivo: nadar toda a extensão do rio Hudson. Este drama intimista reflete sobre a amizade e o significado da vida.