Olivia Steele-Falconer

Olivia Steele-Falconer

Nascimento : , Canada


Olivia Steele Falconer is an actress, known for Red Riding Hood (2011), The Client List (2010) and Crowsnest (2012).


Olivia Steele-Falconer


Chronicle Mysteries: Helped to Death
Alex and Drew investigate a self help retreat and the controversial life coach who oversees it.
Amor e Food Trucks
Cleo, a dona de um popular food truck em Portland, descobre que seu lindo novo amigo, Gabe, é o dono de um caminhão rival que começa a servir bem em frente ao dela. Mas sua competição amigável logo toma um rumo inesperado.
Chronicle Mysteries: The Deep End
Kendall Godfrey
The latest edition of Alex McPherson’s true crime podcast centers on the death of a man whose wife seems certain to be convicted for his murder. Fairly certain that the woman did not kill her husband, it’s up to Alex to figure out who the real killer is as the trial heads toward its conclusion.
Chronicle Mysteries: Vines that Bind
Kendall Godfrey
The latest edition of Alex McPherson’s true crime podcast leads her and most of the Chronicle staff to nearby Macklin, where they investigate the death of a vintner that was ruled an accident by the local police.
Chronicle Mysteries: Recovered
Kendall Godfrey
Alex McPherson returns to the small town in Pennsylvania where she spent her summers as a girl to record the next episode of her true crime podcast, about the disappearance of a childhood friend 20 years prior. However, after teaming up with the local newspaper editor, who reluctantly agrees to help her retrace the girl’s last steps, Alex not only uncovers the shocking truth behind the girl’s disappearance, but also a decades-old murder and its cover-up.
Christmas Princess
Emily Marquez
Against the backdrop of Christmas in Southern California comes Christmas Princess, a heart-warming story inspired by true events about one brave high school girl who overcomes her difficult past to become one of the elite princesses in the world-renowned royal court of the Tournament of Rose Parade presented by Honda
Mais de Mil Palavras
Maria Fareri
O filme conta a história de um casal que, após a morte de sua pequena filha, decide construir um hospital destinado a crianças.
In late summer of 2011, five young friends on a road trip went missing after being attacked by nomadic cannibals in a huge RV. Video was recorded by the victims & recovered by police as evidence in their still-unsolved murders.
Padrinhos Mágicos, O Filme: Cresça Timmy Turner!
Treze anos se passaram desde que Timmy Turner conheceu seus dois padrinhos mágicos, Cosmo e Wanda, mas nada mudou para Timmy, que ainda vive com seus pais e vai às aulas do Senhor Crocker.
A Garota da Capa Vermelha
Solomon's Daughter
Valerie é uma jovem que vive em um vilarejo aterrorizado por um lobisomem. Ela é apaixonada por Peter, embora seus pais insistam que ela case com Henry, filho de uma família rica do local. Diante da situação, Valerie e Peter planejam fugir, mas veem seus planos irem por água abaixo quando a irmã mais velha de Valerie é assassinada pelo lobisomem que ronda a região. Eles recorrem ao padre Solomon, um caçador famoso de monstros que adverte que a fera toma forma humana durante o dia.
Uma Mulher de Coragem
Charlie Horton
Uma mulher começa a trabalhar em um salão de massagem sem saber que, na verdade, o local é um prostíbulo.
Close Up
This tells a wonderfully layered story that illuminates the strength behind one young woman's act of rebellion and its impact on changing the world.