Tamás Jordán

Tamás Jordán

Nascimento : 1943-01-15, Budapest


Tamás Jordán


Ma este gyilkolunk
We Started Together
A coming of age story, in flashback, of a group of high school students graduating in 2011. Each will take a different path from here on.
The Grandson
After his grandfather falls victim to an elaborate scam, the life of a young man is turned upside down.
The Shepherd
Hungary, 1944 - The main character is an old shepherd, who lives alone on a ranch. After his daughter got killed by Nazis, he decided in his grief to save as many Jewish lives as possible.
Corpo e Alma
Mária gyerekkori orvosa
Um homem e uma mulher, colegas de trabalho, passam a se conhecer melhor e acabam descobrindo que eles sonham as mesmas coisas durante o sono. Eles decidem torná-los realidade, apesar das dificuldades no mundo real.
Queda Livre
Uma velha senhora pula do alto de seu prédio de sete andares, ao voltar para casa subindo pelas escadas ela conhece a vida de cada apartamento dos andares inferiores. Sete andares, sete histórias.
Megy a gőzös
State official
Noé bárkája
Noah's Ark .
Children of Glory
Karcsi nagyapja
Children of Glory will commemorate Hungary's heroic Revolution of 1956, and takes place in Budapest and at the Melbourne Olympic Games in October and November of that year. While Soviet tanks were destroying Hungary, the Hungarian water polo team was winning over the Soviets in the Olympic pool in Melbourne, in what has been described as the bloodiest water polo match in history.
Csaó, Bambínó!
Hungarian Fragment
Péter's father
Peter falls in love with Lena, a Bulgarian female student in the days of the 1956 revolution. They were both involved in the events of the Revolution, enthusiastically recount their experiences of an American journalist. The boy's parents leave the country, but he did not go with them.
Adaptation of Adalbert Stifter's novella.
We Never Die!
This story has a horse-race fan main character who sells clothes-hangers On one trip, a young, teenager boy relative goes with him. They have a lot of adventures as they become friends. Girls, dance and horse-racing are the themes while they sell the clothes-hangers this summer...
Dear Emma, Sweet Böbe
Captain Szaglár
The story shows Emma's and Böbe's fight for survival, for keeping their position in society which they achieved with hard work in the previous regime. They don't want to lose their place and become village girls again.
The Last Summer
Vámos Béla
Imre Horváth and his friends gather to celebrate his wife's birthday. They are confused because of the changes in the country's politics and want Horváth to be much more active politically, but he is more concerned about his affair with his best friend's daughter.
Good Evening, Mr. Wallenberg
Man på Judiska rådet
Swedish account of Raoul Wallenberg, the man responsible for the largest rescue of Jews during World War II.
Shooting Gallery
Three people live together without having anything to do with each other. The macho father used to have a shooting gallery which he had to sell. Yet secretly, he keeps on dreaming about it.
A varázsló álma
Ady Endre
What's the Time, Mr. Clock?
Even without a clock, the watch-maker of the small country town always knows the exact time to the second, and for this reason he came to be called Mr. Clock. His wife left him, and he only lives for his work. He is just engaged in repairing the tower clock when his wife returns and the German troops appear.
A béke 7. napja
A Hungarian TV version of the play shot in just two takes.
Time Stands Still
A Budapest high school in the beginning of the 1960s. Dini suffers the torments of adolescence. His father had to leave Hungary after the uprise in 1956, and since then Dini's mother has had to take care of her two sons on her own. A friend of Dini’s father, Bodor, is released from prison and moves in with them. Dini and his brother are far from happy about this intrusion on their family life.
Tamás, Márkus alteregoja
The film is a lyrical series of associations compiled from documentaries. Márkus, the actor is shut in his own flat by his wife by accident. While learning his part, on the wings of poetic intuition his imagination tours the great landscapes of the soul, the mystery of human existence.
A bosszú
Por Electra
Reminiscente dos últimos trabalhos de Bela Tarr, "Electra, Meu Amor" de Miklós Jancsó é constituída por uma série de extremamente lentos e extremamente longos planos (há apenas oito tomas principais, cada uma com duração de uma bobine inteira de filme). Mais vídeo de música contemplativa do que filme convencional, "Electra, Meu Amor" é baseado em "Oresteia", um mito grego escrito por Ésquilo, um dramaturgo trágico antigo. O filme é protagonizado por Marie Toriocsik como Electra, uma mulher torturada que serve como uma espécie de metáfora para o povo da Hungria e seu sofrimento histórico. Ela percorre a paisagem de Jancso com uma cara melancólica, com raiva de Aegisztosz por conspirar com sua mãe para matar Agamenon, seu pai.
The ruined castle is inhabited by architects who, feeling the spirit of the place, want to direct the modernization of the settlement below the castle from here. Despite the residents' protests, the architects want to make the people happy by force.