Ruben Dishdishyan

Ruben Dishdishyan

Nascimento : 1959-03-15, Kazan, USSR (Russia)


Ruben Dishdishyan


Пальма 2
For the sake of the family, Vyacheslav Lazarev left the big aviation. The usual routine of Lazarev and his son Kolya is disrupted by a small bear cub, huddled in the cockpit of one of the planes. Little Mansur - as Lazarev and the others called him - having escaped from poachers, becomes attached to Lazarev.
Life on Earth has changed after the visit of alien ships hovering in various parts of the planet. Their passengers — biopages or "Vitaliki", as they are popularly called — produce a substance called "prak". Its purpose, as well as the purpose of the aliens' visit, is unknown, but nurse Nina (Irina Salikova) from a quiet provincial town hopes to help her sick father with the help of prak. After contacting Vitalik, Nina learns the truth about extraterrestrial beings, which completely changes her life.
The plot of the film develops in Moscow in the 1930s. A famous writer on the rise of his career suddenly finds himself at the center of a literary scandal. The play based on his play is removed from the repertoire, colleagues defiantly avoid meeting, in a matter of days he turns into an outcast. Soon after, he meets Margarita, who becomes his lover and muse. Inspired by her love and support, the writer takes on a new novel, where the characters are people from his environment, and the main character is the mysterious Woland, whose prototype is a recent acquaintance foreigner. The writer plunges headlong into the world of his novel and gradually ceases to notice how fiction and reality are intertwined into one whole.
Near future. Lera Arabova is a 15-year-old girl who lives with her family in Vladivostok. Lera's father has been working at the orbiting space station "Mira" for many years and has long lost contact with his daughter, turning only into a voice on the phone. After a meteor shower hits the city, Lera has only one chance to save her loved ones and the city from a new disaster. Her father helps her in this - through satellite surveillance systems and the telephone, he uses every opportunity to send a message to his daughter, watching from above from the station her every step.
When you feel you need a fresh start, do something remarkable. Shave your head. That’s what Sasha did when she discovered that she was no longer able to live with her grandpa, who raised her, but is now hospitalized with cancer. Sasha has to move from a small town to her Dad’s in the Moscow suburbs. Unexpectedly everybody in Moscow takes her — shaved and lost — for a boy. From that point Sasha begins her wandering through the big city and its lonely, hidden places.
Caucasus, City of Cherkessk. Soslanov Sasha or how friends are used to call him Sos is never dejected. Expelled from the University, nowhere to spend the night, a love of life Nina leaving the city - it's all rubbish. Sos is loyal to his fortune. One day, out of boredom, Sasha desperately gambles an "Express" wage - the bet is starting to win. However, Sos has lost the money-receiving card and now he has only 3 days to find his "Express". Cherkessk Odyssey has begun.
Delayed Happiness Syndrome
40-year-old provincial Natalya Nikitina has been living in St. Petersburg for the seventh year. She works as a nurse for ailing old people and endures their countless quirks and humiliations. Once in her life, a new friend appears - a masseuse named Love, who plunges Natalia into the abyss of bright and risky adventures in search of love and happiness.
In Limbo
This is the story of two sixteen-year-olds, Alexandra Makarova and Danila Krasnov, who are fighting for their love and their right to be themselves. In order to be together, they must escape from their homes, go into hiding, and lead a double life. Trying to protect their freedom of choice and their individuality, they cross the line and turn into Bonnie and Clyde on the run, trying to avenge the world that has no room for them.
Masha, uma menina de 13 anos, cresceu entre um ringue de boxe e as ruas de uma cidade russa provinciana, nos turbulentos anos 90. Seus amigos mais próximos são jovens que matam, roubam, assaltam e são odiados por toda a cidade. Mas para a menina, são o sal da terra e uma família que a ama e protege. Masha revela interesse pelo jazz e sonha em se tornar cantora. Tempos depois, Masha deixa sua cidade natal e se muda para Moscou, para tentar começar uma nova vida. Mas quando o passado a alcança, Masha se vê obrigada a retornar ao lugar onde passou sua infância.
Minha Amiga Palma
Baseado numa incrível história real. Nos anos 1970, em Moscou, a cadela Palma, da raçapastor alemão, é abandonada por seu dono no aeroporto da cidade. Ela faz amizade com Nicholas, um menino de nove anos cuja mãe morreu, deixando-o com um pai que ele mal conhece - o piloto que, por acaso, foi quem encontrou a cadela no aeroporto. Palma e Nicholas vivem aventuras incríveis e criam uma amizade verdadeira e um amor incondicional.
On December 31, seven friends gather again in a country house to celebrate New Year together, but New Year's Eve is full of surprises ...
The Queen
Nastya is a talented athlete, a popular blogger and the first beauty of the school. When a new one comes into the class, she sets herself the goal of winning his attention, but she runs into indifference on his part. What will she have to do to win?
The Babe!
Polina, an average-looking girl with an average life, wakes up one morning to find that she has become a beautiful woman, a hot babe. Is this real, or just her imagination?
O Compositor
Durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial, enquanto a cidade de Perm, na Rússia, é evacuada por causa do conflito, o renomado compositor Aram Khatchadourian é encarregado de criar uma última peça musical para o famoso balé Gayane. No decorrer de apenas 8 horas, apesar do caos da evacuação e da severa censura soviética, ele consegue criar o que se tornaria a obra mais famosa de sua carreira.
Coma - A Dimensão do Futuro
Após um misterioso acidente, um jovem arquiteto desperta para um mundo distópico, onde rios montanhas e cidades podem caber em um quarto e onde todas as lei da física podem ser quebradas. Esse mundo parece sustentado pelas memórias de pessoas que se encontram em coma profundo. Conseguirá o protagonista atravessá-lo de volta à antiga realidade?
In The Port of Cape Town
Sailor, Tillage and Salazhonok. They met only once, in the summer of 1945, in the Far East, in arms and with serious intentions. Everything ended in a firefight, and each of the participants is sure that he killed the other two. However, fate gave them all a long, eventful life. It will take more than half a century and in one of the days in different parts of the Earth there will be events associated with that fateful meeting of the summer of 1945, and the viewer will learn how she has drastically changed the life of each hero and not only.
High Above
Eighteen-year-old Vasya Tikhonova is travelling with her parents to a medical resort near Moscow, seeking treatment. She has a congenital heart defect, and her mother has always been overprotective. But when the Tikhonov family arrives, a murder is committed at the resort. And within seven days, Vasya’s life will change dramatically. She will meet her first love, she will take a big risk fighting for it, and she will make a discovery that is scary, but grants her freedom.
Arma Secreta
Baseado em uma história verdadeira, o filme conta sobre o famoso lançador de foguetes russo apelidado de "Katyusha", que foi mantido em grande sigilo durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial.
Seven friends, having gathered in a country house, begin to play the game in a joke - participants must read out aloud all messages that come to them, and answer calls only via speakerphone. They cannot even imagine what amazing revelations they will have to make about each other.
T-34: O Monstro de Metal
Em 1944, um corajoso grupo de soldados russos conseguiu escapar do cativeiro alemão em um lendário tanque T-34, parcialmente destruído. Aqueles eram os tempos de bravura inesquecível, luta feroz, amor inquebrantável e milagres lendários.
Cartas Para Quem Ficou
Duas garotas, que eram apaixonadas pelo mesmo rapaz, começam a receber mensagens de texto no celular, e outras mensagens misteriosas após sua morte. Porém, ele era a única pessoa quem poderia enviar essas mensagens. Isso faz com que as duas rivais, se juntem e viagem para o sul do país, em busca de respostas.
In the Hood
Vova and his best friend Kisa make ends meet by working for the local thug in Vladivostock, Russia until one assignment forces them to question their own morality and puts their friendship to the ultimate test.
Moscow. The night on the Eve of 1947. The war veteran Victor is going to a girl that he loves. The day earlier he was unloading railroad cars to buy a nice present for Helya. Helya is from Poland, a student of the Moscow Conservatoire. Victor and Helya will see the New Year in at their friend’s. Only one night when all secrets are revealed, when the feelings are poured out, but circumstances dictate their own rules. Victor and Helya are made for each other, but they are facing a choice — of the country where to live, of love or career. All of us have to make a choice in our life. When the day breaks, the fate of the two heroes will be decided.
Linha Tênue
Um jovem paramédico, talentoso e dedicado, está enfrentando problemas em seu casamento. Sua esposa está farta de ele se importar mais com os pacientes do que com ela, e pede o divórcio. Ao mesmo tempo em que luta para arranjar tempo para a esposa, ele começa a ficar cada vez mais obcecado por sua missão de salvar vidas. Até que o novo chefe do hospital implementa novas regras rígidas que atrapalham o trabalho do paramédico. Presos entre ligações de emergência, a busca por um sentido para a vida, e crises pessoais e profissionais, o casal precisa encontrar a força que os mantém unidos.
Light Up!
Alevtina Romanova is a warden in the woman's colony, and the only thing that is different from her «iron lady» image is her voice - a voice which even a notable opera diva would envy. However, Alevtina has been ashamed of her talent since the times she was a kid and nowadays, preliminarily making sure no one's around, she rarely sings for herself. Despite the fact that Alevtina is trying to stay invisible, one of the prisoners secretly records her singing on video by a cellphone and puts it online. The tape becomes a real sensation, and soon Alevtina is invited to Moscow to participate in the main singing show on national television. A sincere desire to change her life awakens inside Alevtina but she's not ready to compete in the show at all. The only person who could train her voice and prepare her for the performance is that very prisoner, who recorded the video, who turns out to be a singer in the past.
Terremoto: Destruição Total
Baseado na história real e comovente do terremoto de Spitak, no norte da Armênia em 7 de dezembro de 1988. Um dos tremores mais graves já registrados deixou quase metade do país em ruínas, 25 mil pessoas mortas, 20 mil gravemente feridas e mais de meio milhão desabrigadas. Após o devastador terremoto, surge uma improvável união entre o russo Konstantin e o armênio Robert, que trabalham juntos para resgatar os sobreviventes desesperados.
Criaturas da Noite
Quando Pasha, de dezoito anos, resgata uma bela jovem de um bando de invasores estranhamente poderosos.
The Nerd's Confession
Eugene is a teenage nerd who lives in a small Russian town. He sits in front of his computer all day long, playing games and surfing the Internet. He decides to run a small porn website and soon as he earns his first money from e-commerce. His life now will never be the same - he is no longer a school nerd. From now on every school boy wants to become his friends and the girls are dreaming of dating him. Developing business Eugene was caught in a dilemma: to live up to the corrupted world standards and find his place in the unideal reality or to rebel against the powerful organization risking his and his family lives.
The Norseman
Managing position at Nastenka Cleaning Service, whose employees are migrant girls from Asia, comes at the Muscovite Kirillov out of the blue. The situation is complicated by the fact that Kirillov is planning to leave for Norway and expecting his bride, a typical European with a rather rigid interpretation of freedom and tolerance, to come visit. The idea that she will learn about the exploitation of "women of the East" terrifies him and makes him prevaricate in order to hide his "harem"...
A story about a simple school literature teacher, Fedorov, who thought his life couldn't become more boring and pointless until he met a strange girl, who stormed into his very ordinary day, accused him of bringing her girl-friend to suicide and turned his life completely.
The Cut
In 1915 a man survives the Armenian genocide in the Ottoman Empire, but loses his family, speech and faith. One night he learns that his twin daughters may be alive, and goes on a quest to find them.
Three different persons, three different lives are connected in a mysterious way. 15 year old teenager suffering of misunderstanding, his glamorous and arrogant stepmother and the young untalented but full of optimism actress. Their destinies aren’t predetermined and their lives are very fragile.
The Translator
WWII mini-series
O Último Round
Considerado um verdadeiro herói nacional do esporte, o boxeador Artyom Kolchin superou todas as dificuldades e venceu todos seus oponentes, dentro e fora do ringue. Hoje, Kolchin já não está mais na ativa como lutador e passa seu tempo alternando entre o trabalho de técnico de jovens promessas, baladas, casos amorosos e seu status de celebridade na TV. E dia após dia, sua esposa Vika e a filha do casal o esperam infelizes em casa. Essa felicidade aparente de Kolchin termina quando seu pupilo é espancado no ringue por Kuerte, lutador que assumiu o posto de campeão depois da aposentadoria o célebre esportista. Ao observar o vídeo da luta, o treinador percebe que Kuerte usa técnicas que são proibidas no esporte e, para provar isso, viaja a Hong Kong para encontrar Vagit Valiev, seu parceiro de longa data. Os dois começam a investigar e percebem que a única forma de pegar Kuerte em sua trapaça é se Kolchin voltar ao ringue.
Big home of Shamanov family has everything - except love and understanding under the roof...
Five Brides
May, 1945... A young pilot Aleksey Kaverin stationed in Germany is going home to Russia for vacation. The problem is he needs to bring a bride. And not only to himself but to four his friends as well.
Brides in Exchange
A famous supermodel can’t convince her celebrity boyfriend to have a normal relationship, so she marries an ordinary bank clerk to make him jealous.
A Resistência
Brestskaya Krepost é um drama de guerra único, uma vez que foca nos primeiros dias da guerra para os soviéticos, assim como Pearl Harbor focou no primeiro dia da guerra para os americanos, com a diferença de que seu desfecho tem um sentido muito mais profundo, assim como o filme como um todo, a julgar pelo realismo de suas cenas, de sua história e a brilhante atuação dos atores, com pouquíssima fantasia. Sem dúvidas um filme que marcará o cinema e tem seu lugar dentre os melhores filmes de guerra já feito nos últimos 20 anos.
Feitiço Negro
Um grupo de estudantes organiza uma expedição a aldeias místicas isoladas. Em uma delas, Marina, uma garota fascinada pelo misticismo, encontra uma tumba antiga e nela um escudo mágico. Quando ela toca o escudo desperta espíritos adormecidos e raivosos sobre si mesma. Os estudantes nem imaginam o que os espera, e para sobreviverem, terão que lutar contra as forças sobrenaturais.
Our Russia. Eggs of Destiny
Rafshan and Dzhumzhud, migrant workers from Nubarashen, illegally come to Moscow, where the team leader Leonid received an order for super-expensive repairs from one oligarch. Having lost in the capital the “nationalist”, Rafshan and Dzhumzhud are trying to find and save him, wreaking havoc and destruction everywhere. But in the most hopeless situation, fate turns to guest workers - Rafshan and Dzhumzhud learn a terrible secret that will change everything ...
Tambourine, Drum
A mining town in Russia at the end of the nineties. A miners' strike has paralysed the place, corruption and fraud are flourishing in the transitional period from a socialist economy to a market economy. In this world of lost souls lives Yekaterina Artemovna (Katya). This unconspicuous woman has, in the words of her future lover, a "heart of gold". The only bright spots in her lonely life in a meagre communal apartment are literature and her work in the town library. The only bright ray flashed in the life of the heroine is a visiting sailor. But he turns out to be a gigolo and leaves the poor woman. The tense string inside the heroine bursts, the iron nerves lose, and restrained Yekaterina at this point loses all patience with life and ready for the most desperate and cruel revenge...
A story of two brothers - two young hockey players.
The Miracle
The film is based on real events that took place in Samara in 1956 and known as the "Standing Zoe." During the holiday girl, without waiting her betrothed, removes the icon from the wall and Nicholas begins to dance with her, but suddenly freezes in place. This state continues for many months. Residents of the provincial town are frightened by this extraordinary event, which is cluttered with rumors and speculation. To try to understand the situation, there goes metropolitan newspaper journalist ...
Bride at any Cost
Businessman Staskin need to provide to himself an alibi which should be a bride - and at any cost.
Love Journal
A love story between young and romantic girl from Minsk and a successful programmer from Moscow.
There are two of them: a mother and a girl. They have no names. And they are in a constant run. The mother runs away from the daughter in an attempt to start new life, and the girl runs after her mother as she has no idea how to live without her. This endless run is full with repeated mistakes and resembles a barrel-organ sorrowful song or a spinning-top rotation. This small ridiculous toy "volchok" was the first toy in the girl's life, the only thing that tied her with the mother.
Iron & Blood: The Legend of Taras Bulba
Set in the 16th century, this is a story about Ukraine's Cossack warriors and their campaign to defend their lands from the advancing Polish armies.
Help Gone Mad
Kind and lazy Jenya comes to Moscow from small village in Belarus for earnings. Criminal incident unexpectedly separates Jenya from companions and leaves him alone without money and documents. He has no friends or relatives in this big and hostile city and he is about to end as a homeless bum.
To the Sea!
Three young Russian families go for winter vacations to an unnamed exotic country, intending to rent a beach condo. However due to numerous comedic obstacles they never make it to the beach, staying at the hotel for the entire trip.
Снежный человек
The Ghost
A novelist struggling with writer's block enlists the aid of an assassin for some inspiration -- fully unaware that he is being set up to take the blame for a murder.
The Invincible
Yegor is a Russian special agent on a mission to Malta to catch Mikhail Shering fugitive. According to special services, Mikhail was in possession of documents of interest to both the government and the Russian mafia. Therefore, difficulties in bringing Mikhail begin and guns strafed.
Once Upon a Time in the Provinces
Sex, alcohol and violence define the people of a city in defeat in this downbeat drama from writer and director Katya Shagalova. As a teenager, Nastia (Yulia Peresild) was the star of a popular television series, but now her career is in decline and her father, an officer in the Russian army, has kicked her out of the house.
The Golden Key
German is handsome, rich, famous — in general, a man is a dream. He has a wife who suspects him of treason. He also has a mistress — Anzhela. She is trying to have a child from German and take him away from the family. And then there is Vera. She was unlucky for a long time in her personal life, and now, having met German, Vera realizes that he is exactly the one she needs for happiness. Very soon, women begin to guess about the existence of each other and enter into a struggle for the ideal man...
A young Lera witnessed a murder, so now she must escape the killers who're trying to kill her.
Thirty-year-old business woman Lena Chistyakova, a formidable boss for his subordinates. The unflattering nickname "Mymra" fully corresponds to her image of a strong woman and an old maid. In accordance with the medical prescription, she makes a strong-willed decision to give birth to a child. To perform this task, Mymra arranges monitoring of subordinates in order to identify the most suitable candidate. The search for a candidate for the role of father unexpectedly ends with a random meeting with a former classmate Sergei Krylov, a successful, beautiful man, in the Prime of his life. But to like the ideal candidate, Lena Chistyakova first of all need to get rid of his unflattering nickname. To fulfill the mission of conception, Mymra takes a sabbatical at work and is hired as a housekeeper to the unsuspecting Sergei. Mastering the basics of the household in the field, Mymra comprehends a new science — how to be a modern woman.
Ada's Family
Until her unexpected death, grandma Ada was the head of the entire family. But even after death, the business-like old woman does not leave her relatives to their fate. Ada's Ghost appears on the doorstep and informs that the family may lose their apartment in the near future. Discouraged descendants under the guidance of a Ghost grandmother must pay off their debts, win back their rightful inheritance, and at the same time learn to live independently. Otherwise, the spirit of my grandmother Ada never rest in peace.
A Revanche
Quando Artem Kolchin chega aos EUA para lutar pelo campeonato de boxe, ele manda um jovem e agressivo boxeador que o provocou para o coma, que resulta em sua morte. Porém, Artem descobre que ele era ninguém menos que o único filho de Felix Mendez, o poderoso chefão da máfia mexicana. Daí por diante, o ringue passa a ser a última das suas preocupações e ele deverá lutar pela sua vida, testando sua força e coragem para vencer esse desafio.
Having lost his wife in a plane crash, a man tries to find out the real reason for the disaster. Forced to sift through all the lies amassing around him, he temporarily foggets about his grief. He finds a flight crew who survived a crash and celebrates his rebirth with them. Suddenly moments of grief turn into a never-before-experienced flash of freedom for him. This illusion becomes a lulling trap in which he can relive the happiest moments of his life. What we can see on the screen is an ordinary life where simple things become rare and unusual, and where grief turns to joy. Daily routine to which he finally comes back after all shade in a contrast way the brightness of the recent events.
Listening to SIlence
A young woman (Nastya) arrives in Moscow to study at the Conservatory and thinks her sister (Alya) will help her with a place to stay. Her sister, however, can only offer her to live in the hospital, where her son is waiting for a kidney transplant. Meanwhile, the only source of money for them is a rich family, more exactly Dmitri, a football related "businessman", for whom Alya has been working as a cleaning lady. Then comes the romance between Nastya and Dmitri, but...
Era uma vez uma garota chamada Alisa, que morava numa cidade litorânea, cantava no coral, sonhava em ser bailarina e tinha um dom: transformar desejos em realidade. Aos seis anos, ela parou subitamente de falar e passou a frequentar uma escola especial. Aos 17 anos, se mudou para Moscou e o destino a levou a conhecer um homem com um profundo desejo de ser salvo e protegido. Alisa decidiu ajudá-lo, sem saber que sua vida mudaria para sempre.
I'm Staying
Many people assume that life does not end after death. Not Dr. Tyrsa, practical and skeptical man, who never believed in this nonsense. However, thanks to the bowling accident, he finds himself in a desert land with people like him not belonging to this world yet not accepted into the other. Now Dr. Tyrsa realizes that the life he used to live was not so bad, and he's got something worth returning to.
Gagarin's Grandson
Fyodor a single artist suddenly discovers about his young brother who is living in a foster home.
Dead Daughters
In present-day Moscow ghosts of three little girls killed by their insane mother randomly pick a person to watch over for a three days. If during this "probation period" person's moral standards appear not to be high enough The Daughters then kill him using telekinesis.
O Último Guerreiro
Ele foi sentenciado à morte, mas sobreviveu à destruição de sua tribo e sua família. O último homem da tribo Grey Dogs se torna um poderoso guerreiro e passa a ser conhecido como Wolfhound. Ele escapa da morte no submundo das minas e se transforma no protetor de Elen, a filha de um governante que espera salvar sua cidade concedendo a mão da jovem a um guerreiro da terra vizinha. Eles iniciam uma perigosa expedição em busca do futuro marido de Elen. Mas Wolfhound se verá frente a frente a misteriosos acontecimentos que mostrarão os verdadeiros objetivos desta jornada.
Rush Hour
A terminal diagnosis forces a career-obsessed advertising executive to rethink his priorities, relationships and outlook on life.
A Hare over the Abyss
Once upon a time, in the seventy-first year of the last century, the relived two bureaucrats in Moldova: the First Secretary and the Second Secretary of the Communist party. The Second Secretary was more important than the First Secretary, since he had befriended the Tsar of the whole Soviet Union - Leonid Brezhnev. The Moldovan Republic is preparing for a visit from the great Brezhnev when Lautar, a poor musician, finally gets up the nerve to ask the local gypsy Baron for his daughters hand in marriage. To everyone surprise, the baron gives the couple his blessing, but on one condition: that Lautar acquire Brezhnev's personal limousine as a gift for the bride, and that Brezhnev come to the wedding
Romance, in Russian
The Spot
A story about the life of several girls who came from outskirts of Ukrainian provincial town Makeevka to Moscow.
Escape: Caçada ao Fugitivo
Até ontem a vida de Yevgeni Vetrov era diferente. Ele era um respeitado neurocirurgião com reputação imaculada, exceto por seu egocentrismo. Junto com seu sucesso ele tinha dinheiro e invejavelmente, ele tinha amor. Mas por outro lado ele também tinha inimigos. Na noite de evento de gala onde seria anunciado um acordo entre sua clínica e investidores estrangeiros, sua esposa é assassinada em seu apartamento. Não há testemunhas do assassinato e todas as evidências apontam em direção a Vetrov. Ventrov está atordoado, e apesar de ser inocente do assassinato de sua esposa, é condenado em um rápido julgamento. Subtamente ele se encontra a caminho de uma prisão na Sibéria acompanhado por três outros prisioneiros que iniciam uma tentativa de fuga.
Artem Kolchin was one of many, but he wanted glory. And he has chosen the way: he became the boxer. Now Artem the applicant for a champion title, fighter, known worldwide as Great White Hope. But the main fight in his life has not gone how he expected...
The 32 of December
When with the last stroke of the clock the desire of friends suddenly comes true, three friends get an incredible chance to do what they dreamed of all their lives…
The Man Who Kept Silent
Somewhere deep, deep in Russia there is a town called Marks (named after Karl Marks, founder of Communism theory) where all people are working on toy factory and receiving their wages as toys. News from other cities are arriving on very rare occasion. One morning, Boris, a former boxing who is running from something, wakes up in train and see four letters MAR_S. From his first steps he starts to meet new people as Gregori, young man with a dream who is in love with local librarian, Greta, whose dream is to get out from this god-forgotten town. With each new step, he is meeting new people, but the past is hard to escape
On the Nameless Height
The location is the Belarusian forests, close to the Polish border, during Operation Bagration in the summer of 1944. After a short pause, the Red Army is preparing to advance, but on one segment of the front there are two serious obstacles: an unnamed hill with unknown German strength, and a highly skilled German sniper, who is killing off not only Russian officers, but also all captured German officers before they can be interrogated. Because of this, the local commander, Major Inozemtsev, suspects that the hill is a trap, which the Germans are very eager to keep a secret.
In the Service of My Country
Somewhere in the Middle East, undercover agent Victor Bystroletov arrives in one of the oil kingdoms posing as an international journalist. His true goal is to contact a former terrorist named Javad. It has been several years since the holy warrior lay down his weapons and disappeared. Interpol is looking for him, as are his former jihad brothers, who have put a death sentence on his head for betrayal.
The Suit
Three young Russian friends amuse themselves in a small seaside town with a series of minor adventures, some of which involve a new suit.
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Ужин в четыре руки
Comedy script by Evgenia Khripkova
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