Justine Kershaw


A Misteriosa Tumba de Tutancâmon
Executive Co-Producer
A paleoantropóloga Ella Al-Shamahi explora a fascinante ciência por trás de uma lenda egípcia enquanto investiga se as toxinas dentro da tumba de Tutancâmon e entre os tesouros do faraó poderiam explicar várias mortes misteriosas e amaldiçoadas.
Os Segredos da Oligarquia: Esposas
Executive Producer
Neste documentário, as esposas dos magnatas russos revelam segredos e contam detalhes sobre como o presidente Vladimir Putin assumiu o controle do país.
Tutankhamun: The Mystery of the Burnt Mummy
Executive Producer
Growing Up Wild - Fuzzy Wuzzy Bears
With a delightful mix of rare wildlife footage, music and rhyme, GROWING UP WILD gives kids a fun new way to learn about the animal kingdom. You'll get all this!
Growing Up Wild - Fuzzy Wuzzy Bears
With a delightful mix of rare wildlife footage, music and rhyme, GROWING UP WILD gives kids a fun new way to learn about the animal kingdom. You'll get all this!