Leonid Vereshchagin

Leonid Vereshchagin

Nascimento : 1953-08-25, Moscow, RSFSR, USSR [now Russia]


Leonid Emilievich Vereshchagin (born August 25, 1953, Moscow) is a Soviet and Russian film director and producer. Director General of the Studio TriTe film company. Chairman of the Expert Council of the Cinema Foundation, Secretary of the Union of Cinematographers of Russia, member of the Presidium of the National Academy of Cinematographic Arts and Sciences of Russia. Winner of the State Prize of Russia (1996, 2000, 2014). From Wikipedia (ru), the free encyclopedia


Leonid Vereshchagin
Leonid Vereshchagin
Leonid Vereshchagin


The Bremen Town Musicians
The legendary band of traveling musicians is back together! Troubadour and his friends - Donkey, Dog, Cat, and Rooster - rejoin to take on a heroic mission. The musicians and their leader set out to bring laughter and joy back to the gloomy streets of Bremen. First of all, they are tasked with making the King's daughter laugh. The meeting between Troubadour and the Princess sparks feelings of love in them but also results in a dangerous adventure. Troubadour and his friends face many challenges but they push on through because love makes it all worthwhile. As for the Princess - she runs away from her father’s palace. Scheming bandits, a cunning detective, and the royal family's internal squabbling create all kinds of problems, but in the end the cheerful Bremen Town Musicians make everyone dance to their tune!
In 1942, Red Army officer Nikolai Kiselyov receives orders to evacuate over 200 Jewish women, children, and elderly men facing brutality and death in Nazi-occupied Belarus. These exhausted, starving, terrified and bereaved people, deeply scarred by the horrors they have witnessed, must trek hundreds of kilometers along forest paths to regain hope of survival and faith in the future.
Champion of the World
Em 1978, o jovem e ambicioso campeão de xadrez soviético Anatoly Karpov deve defender seu título contra um ex-mentor e desertor do Ocidente, Viktor Korchnoi. O confronto se torna a partida de campeonato mais dramática da história do xadrez.
Couple From The Future
Near future, 2040. Eugene and Alexandra have been married for 20 years, their relationship is like a dried apricot. Divorce from them also does not work, because in the future, divorce is a very expensive service. But fate gives them a chance: Eugene and Alexandra fall into the past, on the very day 20 years ago, when the lover and young Zhenya proposed to the lovely Sasha. Now a couple from the future wants to separate themselves in their youth, but it won't be easy. The young will fight for their love.
Heróis de Fogo
Um grupo de bombeiros enfrenta um dos mais devastadores incêndios florestais. O que chamamos de um ato de bravura é apenas rotina para eles.
Cidade de Gelo
Na gelada São Petersburgo, um ladrãozinho barato conquista o coração da filha de um aristocrata, mas esse romance não vai ser nada fácil.
By the age of twenty, Eduard Streltsov has everything one can dream of: talent, fame and love. He is the rising star of Soviet football. The whole country, with bated breath, expects victory from the national team at the upcoming World Cup where Streltsov is to face the great Brazilian football player Pelé. However, two days before the departure of the team, the sportsman’s enemies manage to destroy his career. When the door to big sport seems to be closed for good, Streltsov has to re-enter the field and prove that he is a true champion who is worth everybody’s love.
Union of Salvation
Executive Producer
Um grupo de oficiais da Guarda Imperial Russa prepara uma revolta em dezembro de 1825, quando cerca de 3.000 oficiais e soldados se recusam a jurar lealdade ao novo czar.
O Treinador
Jogador importante da seleção russa, Yuriy Stoleshnikov cai em desgraça após perder um importante pênalti. Recebendo pressão de todos os lados, ele decide largar tudo e se mudar para uma cidadezinha, onde é convidado para treinar o time local. Agora, o atleta precisa reavaliar sua trajetória e unir forças para ajudar os jovens jogadores.
Três Segundos
Na histórica Olimpíada de Munique, o time de basquete da União Soviética, sob o comando do novo técnico Vladimir Garanzhin, tenta bater a poderosa seleção americana. Invictos até a final, a tensão permanece até os últimos três segundos da partida.
Após a morte de seu pai, Vladimir, príncipe viking é forçado ao exilio através do mar congelado para escapar de seu irmão que conquistou o território. Junto com o guerreiro Sveneld, eles irão lutar para reconquistar seu território
Vôo de Emergência
Uma história sobre bravura, auto-sacrifício e dignidade humana é julgada pelo poder impiedoso da natureza. Um jovem piloto é demitido da força aérea militar depois de desobedecer uma ordem absurda. Ele recebe um emprego como co-piloto com uma companhia aérea civil. Sendo brutalmente honesto e direto, ele não está em melhores condições com seus novos colegas. Durante um voo para a Ásia, sua equipe recebe uma mensagem de socorro de uma ilha vulcânica e toma a decisão de tentar uma missão de resgate. Será um sucesso? Vão sobreviver ao desastre? Eles têm uma única chance de descobrir isso: sendo uma equipe e se agarrando um pelo outro.
In a Crimean filtration camp, after the evacuation of the White Army, an unnamed captain is haunted by memories of a brief romance as he tries to understand how the Russian Empire fell apart and who is to blame.
The Iron Ivan
He was called the Champion of Champions. The strength and strong-willed character Poddubniy composed legends. And 50 great fighter effortlessly overcame young athletes, and questions of honor and justice did not know compromises. And only love could put Russian Heroes on both blades
Legend No. 17
Biopic of Russian ice hockey legend Valeri Kharlamov from early childhood, rising to the pinnacle of the sport and his untimely death
O Espião
Spring 1941. Center of Moscow. Duel of the two intelligence services turns more and more tense.
Лето волков
Burnt by the Sun 2: Citadel
The final part of Mikhalkov's trilogy about Divisional Commander Kotov finds him returning home during World War II having been betrayed, narrowly escaped execution for treason and nearly reduced to dust in a prison camp. Only to discover that everything has changed and he will have to fight again for his name, for his honor, and for his love.
Burnt by the Sun 2: Exodus
Epic film about WWII, a sequel to Utomlyonnye solntsem (1994). Evil Stalin is terrorizing people of Russia while the Nazis are advancing. Russian officer Kotov, who miraculously survived the death sentence in Stalin's Purge, is now fighting in the front-lines. His daughter, Nadia, who survived a rape attempt by Nazi soldiers, is now a nurse risking her own life to save others. In the war-torn nation even former enemies are fighting together to defend their land. People stand up united for the sake of victory. Written by Steve Shelokhonov
1612: Crônicas de um tempo de dificuldades
The czar of Russia has died and a power vacuum has developed. This period in the late 16th and early 17th century has been called "The Time of Troubles." There are many impostors who claim to the right to rule, but there's only one heir, the Czarina Kseniya Godunova. She has married a Polish military leader who wants to claim the Russian throne in her name so he can rule all of Russia. As the Poles move in on Moscow in an attempt to install the czarina on the throne, Andrei, a serf with a life-long infatuation of the czarina attempts to save her from her brutal Polish husband.
A loose remake of “12 Angry Men”, “12” is set in contemporary Moscow where 12 very different men must unanimously decide the fate of a young Chechen accused of murdering his step-father, a Russian army officer. Consigned to a makeshift jury room in a school gymnasium, one by one each man takes center stage to confront, connect, and confess while the accused awaits a verdict and revisits his heartbreaking journey through war in flashbacks.
The State Counsellor
Third film based on Boris Akunin's "Priklucheniya Erasta Petrovicha Fandorina" series of novels. On a train from St. Petersburg to Moscow general Khrapov was killed and no one else but Erast Petrovich is under suspicion because the killer pretended to be Fandorin. There are initials BG on the handle of the knife Khrapov was stabbed with, the initials belong to a terrorist organization which keeps both capital cities (Moscow and St. Petersburg) in fear. This time Fandorin is not the only one trying to solve the crime, general Pozharski, a famous detective takes over the investigation...
Гибель Империи
The Turkish Gambit
The film is based on the second book from the Adventures of Erast Petrovich Fandorin series of novels written by the Russian author Boris Akunin. The film takes place in 1877 during the Russian-Turkish war. Erast Fandorin has just escaped from Turkish prison and is trying to get on the Russian side as soon as possible to give important information about the upcoming attack of the enemy. On his way he meets Varvara Suvorova, a young lady who is going to see her fiancée - a soldier of the Russian army. Erast also knows that there is a spy somewhere in the Russian army, everyone is under suspicion.
A Supremacia Bourne
Production Supervisor
Jason Bourne está vivendo na Índia quando é enquadrado por um agente russo, Kirill, pelo roubo de milhões da CIA. Kirill começa a perseguir Bourne com a intenção de assassiná-lo, mas, por engano, mata a namorada de Bourne, Marie. Jurando vingança, Bourne se propõe a provar sua inocência e trazer os culpados à justiça.
72 Meters
The film begins in the 1980s Soviet Union. Two best friends, Orlov and Muravyev, are serving at the Black Sea Navy Base in Sevastopol, Crimea. Both fall in love with one beautiful girl Nelly, and their friendship suffers a first blow. Because she picks Muravyev, his friend Orlov struggles with an inferiority complex and becomes a secretive alcoholic. After the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, both friends are transferred to the Northern Fleet on the Polar Ocean. One day their sub is performing a routine training. A disturbed WWII mine slowly moves on a collision course with the sub. A mighty blast knocks down everyone inside the wrecked sub, 72 meters below the sea level. Then ensues a nerve-racking struggle for survival.
Documentary about director's father
Documentary about director's mother.
Based on Boris Akunin's novel 'Azazel' (English title 'The Winter Queen') set in Moscow in 1876. The novel started a long series quite popular in Russia. In 'Azazel' a young police officer - Erast Fandorin - investigates an odd suicide of some rich young man and finds a complex conspiracy, trying to take over most European countries - from Britain to Ottoman Empire - with the best intentions, of course.
K-19: The Widowmaker
Line Producer
Em 1961, Alexi Vostrikov (Harrison Ford) precisa comandar a equipe do submarino K-19 em uma delicada operação nuclear, causada pelo fato do sistema de refrigeração do próprio K-19 ter deixado de funcionar repentinamente. Sem condições de se comunicar com outras embarcações russas, já que o rádio deixara de funcionar, Vostrikov e o capitão Mikhail Polenin (Liam Neeson) precisam deixar suas diferenças de lado para salvar a tripulação do submarino e, ao mesmo tempo, evitar que um desastre nuclear aconteça e possa causar a 3ª Guerra Mundial.
Tender Age
A movie which at first seems like a simple life story of an ordinary young man slowly evolves into an extraordinarily told ballade with twofold meaning - sad and optimistic at the same time...
The Barber of Siberia
Douglas is a foreign entrepreneur, who ventures to Russia in 1885 with dreams of selling a new, experimental steam-driven timber harvester in the wilds of Siberia. Jane is his assistant. On her travels, she meets two men who would change her life forever: a handsome young cadet Andrej Tolstoy with whom she shares a fondness for opera, and the powerful General Radlov who is entranced by her beauty and wants to marry her.
O Santo
Production Manager
Simon Templar é contratado pelo magnata do petróleo russo Ivan Tretiak para roubar uma fórmula secreta. Ele seduz a cientista Emma Russell e consegue a informação, mas a fórmula estava incompleta. Agora, Tretiak quer matar Templar e sequestrar Emma.
The Russian Idea
The Russian entry in the BFI’s Century of Cinema series of documentaries
Life and Extraordinary Adventures of Private Ivan Chonkin
Set in a small Ukrainian village during the outbreak of war with Germany in 1941 Private Chonkin, not overly endowed with intelligence, is left to guard a downed military aircraft. The authorities appear to have forgotten about him so this leaves him free to work his chams on the village postmistress, Njura, untill the local militia are tipped off.
Velocidade Terminal
Unit Manager
O credenciado instrutor de paraquedismo "Ditch" Brodie (Sheen) vê-se arrastado para o mundo da espionagem internacional quando uma misteriosa e sexy estudante (Nastassja Kinski), supostamente se atira para a morte durante um salto de paraquedas. Subitamente, Ditch encontra-se em rota de colisão com a mafia Russa num arrepiante e mortal jogo do gato e do rato.
Loucademia de Polícia 7: Missão Moscou
O Comandante Lassard tem um novo plano para acabar com a criminalidade nas ruas, permitir que voluntários participem de um treinamento especial na Academia, onde aprenderão técnicas de salvamento e combate ao crime. Com Steve Guttenberg e Sharon Stone.
O Sol Enganador
Executive Producer
Rússia, verão de 1936. O Coronel Kotov, um herói revolucionário e comandante do exército russo, está passando uma temporada em sua casa de campo junto de sua filha e de sua esposa. Tudo corre bem até a chegada de seu velho amigo Dimitri, um homem charmoso que logo ganha as atenções das mulheres da casa. No entanto, Kotov sabe a verdade sobre o velho conhecido e, no meio do governo de Stalin, sabe que há algum perigoso segredo escondido por trás da aparente visita social de Dimitri. (e 14 - Estimado 14 Anos)
Anna dos 6 aos 18
Executive Producer
Director Nikita Mikhalkov documents the history of Russia from 1980 to 1991 by annually asking his daughter Anna such questions as "What do you love the most?", "What scares you the most?", "What do you want above anything" and "What do you hate the most?"
Line Producer
Ao longo de três décadas, Stalin assume o poder da Rússia, trata a esposa terrivelmente e ordena atos de agressão contra seu próprio povo. Sem confiar em ninguém, o ditador age cruelmente até sua eventual queda e morte.
Production Director
Incredible adventures of an Italian test auto-racer in the exotic and so unpredictable Russia! Originally, this film was made as a commercial for the Fiat Automobile Company, but the abundance of the shot material proved enough for editing a full-length feature.
Production Director
Dear Yelena Sergeyevna
Production Director
Four school graduates congratulate their teacher of mathematics Yelena Sergeyevna on her birthday and ask her to return them their graduate works on mathematics in order to change them before the marks. Yelena Sergeyevna strongly objects...
Forgotten Tune for the Flute
Production Director
A flutist in the forgotten past, at present the husband of a “big man’s” daughter and head of one of the Chief Directorate’s sections felt unwell one day: the forty-year-old man had a pain in his heart. This unpleasant incident provided an opportunity to meet a nurse named Lida. However, their stormy love affair ended, with Filimonov returning to normal life and an unloved wife.