Ilya Neretin

Ilya Neretin

Nascimento : 1964-11-10, Moscow, USSR


Ilya Neretin


The Ideal Couple
Zoe - athlete with a masculine character. Therefore, it is difficult for the stronger sex, and they run away from her. But Zoe wants to get married and have children.
Lucky in love
Once met, Alice and Kostya at first sight understand that they were born for each other. However, along with the love of their lives come problems: at work, at home, with health. Exhausted Alice goes to the astrologer and hears the sentence: they can not be together with the Kostya, otherwise they are waiting for the fate of losers and premature death. Alice does not believe in prediction, but trouble continues. Heroes are young, ambitious and want to be successful and happy. Alice and Kostya break up. Years later, they have everything but love…
A docudrama about the escape of Russian pilots after being taken hostage by the Taliban in 1996.
Жизнь взаймы
Doroga, Vedushaya k Schastyu
Став свидетелем автомобильной аварии, Виктор впадает в глубокую депрессию. Чтоб выйти из нее, он находит дочь погибшего в инциденте водителя — Леночку. У них сразу же возникает симпатия друг к другу. Но место рядом с Леночкой занято — друг и сверстник погибшего отца поддерживает девушку в горе, становясь самым близким ей человеком. Виктор деликатно отходит в сторону. Дома — тяжело больная мать, отец оставил их, не справившись с бременем вины. Виктор взваливает на свои плечи заботу о матери. И о совершенно чужом ему человеке – медсестре. Но Леночка, сама того не желая, не может забыть Виктора. Она ищет встречи.
In this hit Russian musical, a group of friends flaunts Soviet authority in 1950s Moscow by embracing jazz. When Communist Mels falls for Polly, a free-spirited jazz fan, he risks losing his party membership by associating with her rebellious crew.
Side effect
At a social event, Pavel Grichikhin, a journalist and editor-in-chief of the online publication for women who have been subjected to domestic violence, sees a fragile, pale girl who whispers to him with one lips: “Help ...” Then she, taking some medications under the watchful supervision of her husband . Pavel understands that there is some kind of secret and decides, no matter what, to get to the bottom of the matter and save the girl ...
On TV a new reality show, "Pionerlager", has started. Following the results of a casting, five young men and five girls, led by young TV presenter Alice Ten, go to the thrown pioneer camp. The rules state that every week someone would be eliminated from the show. The last one remaining will win the main prize: one million roubles. But suddenly game rules change: the invisible observer declares that it is life, not money, that will be the award for the winner. The maniac hiding behind the mask of a horse, begins a hunt for the participants. Children's horror stories which he once listened to in pioneer camp, revive and become a plot of its own murders.
Love as a motive
Dina’s mother moves to live with her daughter and almost immediately tension and conflicts arise between her and her son-in-law Pasha. Mother is trying to open Dina’s eyes on her husband, but she does not want to listen to anything. Mother decides to go to the country and asks her son-in-law to help transport things. But she immediately returns and admits that by accident ... she killed Pasha. Now Dina and mother live in constant fear that everything will open. And at the same time, they gradually learn more and more unpleasant and mysterious details about Pasha. And when it is not known why the mother is dying, and Vedernikov’s operas come to the apartment, Dina is already on the verge of a nervous breakdown.
Людочка Сальникова относится к редкому типу счастливых женщин, абсолютно довольных тем, как сложилась их жизнь. Любящий муж Тимур, заботливый отец — чего еще можно пожелать? Однажды Мила с супругом отправляются на отдых в деревню. В доме, где они остановились происходит пожар, после которого молодая женщина исчезает. Родные, не сумев ее найти, считают, что Люда погибла в огне… На самом же деле героине удалось выжить. После долгих мытарств она приезжает в Москву и… застает Тимура в объятиях молодой жены своего отца. Потрясенной женщине открывается горькая правда: муж только притворялся, что любит ее, а ее гибель нисколько его не расстроила. Единственная цель благоверного — добиться от отца Людмилы получения наследства. Что остается женщине, в одночасье растерявшей все иллюзии? Только мстить своим обидчикам, восстанавливая попранное достоинство и справедливость!
The Vaccine
Nine days until spring
The major of special forces Ilya is young, beautiful and, we can say, happy! He marries, and for him it is a profitable party — his wife is not beautiful, but the daughter of rich parents. However, on the wedding day begins a nightmare. Yana Yanovskaya — the former mistress of Ilya who came to congratulate him is killed, and he is suspected of murder. The investigation begins, during which it turns out that Ilya is innocent. However, the shadow of suspicion still hanging over him, and, wishing to prove that he is innocent, Ilya begins his own investigation. He finds the real killer — and this discovery will stun him…
Komnata s vidom na ogni
There will be an explosion exactly in 48 hours in Moscow. The information was provided by an agent who was killed this very second. All departments of special ops work on it, but the only hope is for recently organized independent team. They are a hacker girl who once broke thru Pentagon servers, a former special ops officer who enjoys speed and adrenalin, psychologist, a lady whose beauty outshines her intelligence and her rank of major, and a blind field engineer whose sense of smell and intuition substitute for his eye sight... And the Chief who got them all together and learned how to control them. Only this team is able to figure it out WHO, and most importantly WHERE, by knowing just WHEN...
The Count of Montenegro
Andrey inherits a map to his great-grandmother's treasure, a gift from her lover, and hidden since the early 19th century. He and Mikhail, the descendant of his great-grandmother's lover, follow the map's clues to Montenegro.
Tartarin of Tarascon
Tartarin is the local hero in the small provincial town of Tarascon. He shows off about imaginary adventures in Africa, where he has never been, as a Lion Hunter, which he is only in his imagination. But one day he becomes a real hero...
Lady for one day
Что делать, если жизнь не удалась? Что делать, если от будущего визита жениха — наследника испанского гранда — зависит счастье дочери? Что делать, если отец жениха помешан на титулах и богатстве? Выход один превратиться в богатую леди на день. Уличная торговка Ани с помощью своих многочисленных друзей знакомых не может не справиться с это задачей. В невероятный круговорот событий оказываются вовлечены хозяйка борделя и юный аферист, судья и сам мэр Нью-Йорка. Они разыгрывают перед женихом и его отцом целый спектакль на фоне небоскребов, автомобилей с клаксонами, женских кружевных зонтов и зажигательных джазовых мелодий, и в этом гала-представлении Ани отведена роль настоящей светской львицы…
Country of the Deaf
Strana Glukhikh is about an unusual relationship between two women, one of them a deaf-mute dancer and the other on the run from the mafia. Yaya, the deaf girl, offers to hide Rita whose boyfriend, Alyosha owes gambling debts to the mafia, but in return she wants her to leave the young man and run off with her to an imaginary paradise where material values do not exist.