David Brown

David Brown


David Brown is an actor.


David Brown


Friends and Romans
Sal Tuccierello
A group of lifelong mob movie extras mount a production of Shakespeare's Julius Caesar in their local Staten Island theater in order to finally get some speaking roles. But the theater is the secret hideout of a real-life gangster who fancies himself an actor, and whom the FBI are hunting for the recent murder of a Broadway producer. The Feds insert their own undercover agent to audition for the role of Cassius, seeking to determine who is the real gangster among a cast of make-believe criminals. All the while, the oblivious cast seek only to prove to themselves, their families, and friends that they are more than just extras.
O Golpe: The Drop
Angry Patron
Bob e Marv dirigem um bar frequentado maioritariamente por russos e usado como local de entrega de lucros ilícitos de mafiosos. Mas quando eles são roubados num assalto e assumem uma dívida que não podem pagar, os dois homens têm que fazer a perigosa escolha entre a lealdade e sobrevivência.
Ela Dança, Eu Danço 3
Ice Cream Man
Um unido grupo de dançarinos de rua, que inclui Luke e Natalie, se une ao calouro da Universidade de Nova York Moose. Eles disputam contra os melhores dançarinos de hip hop do mundo em uma competição de alto risco, que mudará suas vidas para sempre.
Tomorrow is Today
Curtis Schmidt
At the New Jersey shore, young Julie Peterson (Scout Taylor-Compton) saves the life of a drifter who's on the skids. Going one further, Julie resolves to save him emotionally, too, by instilling the gift of hope. But first, she has to contend with a local sheriff who wants the drifter gone and an admirer who's jealous of Julie's relationship with her new "project." Soon, a chain of events is set in motion that will change everyone's lives.
Sin City Brother
Chev Chelios é um assassino profissional que deseja deixar o ramo de trabalho. Porém ele é envenenado com uma toxina chamada "Beijing Cocktail", que afeta a glândula supra-renal. Esta glândula cuida da produção de adrenalina no organismo, com a toxina forçando a diminuição constante dos batimentos cardíacos até sua parada total. Com pouco tempo de vida, Chev decide partir atrás de vingança.
O Plano Perfeito
Mobile Command Officer Carnow
Assaltantes vestidos com uniformes de pintor invadem um movimentado banco em Nova York e fazem reféns. A polícia chega ao local esperando resolver a situação rapidamente, mas os detetives Frazier e Mitchell se surpreendem com a inteligência e a frieza do líder dos bandidos, Dalton Russell, que parece estar sempre um passo à frente das ações da polícia.
The Jersey Devil
Ephriam Weiss
Josephine Leeds was cursed by the townspeople of Shroud's Point for being the widow of a traitor and ultimately a whore. She was outcast and left to fen for herself and her family. One by one Josephine's children fell to starvation, and as they died she fed their remains to herself and her surviving children. What started as a struggle for survival became a blood lust that consumed her and slowly drove her insane. By the time she was pregnant with her last child, she swore it would be born without a soul because of what she had done. Josephine vowed vengeance upon the people of Shroud's Point for forsaking her, and her soul-less child would carry it out. Born deformed of body and soul the Leeds baby would feed on what it had a taste for... human flesh. Two-hundred and Sixty years later... the legend continues.
Officer Tafoozi
During a late night drinking binge with bartender Nicky (Michael Marino), sixty-five year-old postman Sol Solzberg (Charlie Callas) leaks the details of his life-long plan to rob some valuable stamps from the local post office. Sol then promptly drops dead of a heart attack. Suddenly armed with his sure-fire answer to his financial woes, Nicky assembles a "crack" team of hapless crooks, headed by his best friend Paul (Jim Norton), and begins to plan and execute the caper. Whoever said crime doesn't pay had this gang of moronic Jersey boys in mind!
Willie Dynamite
Willie Dynamite is a pimp who operates in New York City. Willie was a big success as a pimp, but now, just as fast as he rose to the top, he has hit bottom. A former prostitute who has become a social worker tries to get Willie to clean up his life while it is still possible.