Free Fighting Players #1
Master martial artist Masahiro Kai is a shadow of the champion fighter and trainer he once was. After his protégé was slain in a no-holds-barred, underground fight by the incomparable Chang Lee, Kai slips into a numbing alcohol-induced stupor to try to forget the past.
Shaved (Kanto Nishiki Federation)
Young writer Tamako, who is wrongfully accused of killing the head yakuza, must find a way out of trouble.
Bioman must rescue two boys who possess an ancient treasure map that leads to Biobase, making them targeted by Gear.
Kabamaru é um menino criado e treinado como ninja por seu avô. Após a morte repentina de seu avô, ele passa a viver com Mai, a amante de seu avô, que é diretora de escola. Ele é convidado a ajudar nas lutas contra outras escolas, já que é mestre nas artes místicas ninja. Com o passar do tempo, ele fará muitos amigos, além de inimigos, e se apaixonará por Mai.
A photographer who takes pictures of a rendezvous between a politician, company president and yakuza boss is later found dead and the film missing.
Naomi is a university student who is leaving for the US to study in a week; Shuichi is a washed-up gumshoe who's hired by Naomi's father to bodygard his daughter until she leaves. Shuichi finds the job annoying and wants to quit. But he also has a screwed-up ex and alimony to pay. Things go from bad to worse when Naomi and Shuichi stumble upon a murder which might involve the yakuza. They decide to find out who committed the murder but God knows what it will lead to.
Feiticeiro rapta uma jovem ninja com intuito de produzir um poderoso afrodisíaco. Seu namorado terá que enfrentar as armadilhas e magias dos monges-feiticeiros para livrá-la de um ritual satânico.