Um policial corajoso e um bandido covarde fazem uma aliança quando um roubo de diamantes acaba num banho de sangue. Uma caçada com aviões, helicópteros e navios revela que o tesouro não são as joias, mas uma bomba devastadora.
A dentist in mid-life-crisis who hates his job, finally decides to break away from his kiasu environment and pursue his long repressed childhood dream... Acting.
Chie Jen-Hao's Gangster Rock is a lovable mess, though more mess than lovable. It's essentially about people realising fame and fortune isn't everything as long as they're alive and have options, and while there are plenty of ways to film this sort of thing - from the stunning low-key fantasy drama of Studio 4C's Princess Arete to the laid-back coming-of-age vignettes that pepper Hong Kong and Taiwanese cinema - you generally need a compelling cast of characters and at least a modicum of professionalism to pull it off. Gangster Rock has neither. There are two stories here. One plotline follows Hau (Leon Jay Williams, Jump), a small-time gangster not long out of prison after a shakedown gone horribly wrong led to the death of his then girlfriend. The other stars (collectively) Gangster, a group of musicians working the underbelly of Taipei's club scene, where industry sharks insist the two lead
Após o assassinato de dois peritos de kung fu, Bruce Lee, um inspetor de polícia da Nova Zelândia, decide se envolver no caso, apesar de só estar em férias em Hong Kong. Na cena do crime mais recente, a vítima conseguiu arrancar um pingente de Buda do assassino. A ligação entre os dois assassinatos são as marcas estranhas no pescoço das vítimas, que podem estar relacionados a uma modalidade mortal de kung fu - o "Dedo de Ferro".