The real fate of Jiří Arvéd Smíchovský, a prominent hermeticist, occultist, believer in black magic and an exceptionally well-educated person with a brilliant memory. This avid book lover had doctorates in law, theology and philosophy and was fluent in five languages. He was interested in occult teachings, practiced magical ceremonies, was in contact with the Freemasons, but at the same time he was a member of the National Fascist Community while being homosexual. During the war he cooperated with the Nazis, after the war with the communist StB.
A man discovers the old psychiatric reports of a patient who went missing in the 1930s and starts to investigate similar disappearances.
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Adam é o chefe da família e também o chefe de uma gangue de criminosos que traficam cigarro através da fronteira eslovaco-ucraniana. Nesse estreito círculo, ele desempenha o papel vital do confidente encarregado de tudo, e também do líder intransigente, cuja segurança e temperamento funcionam em momentos decisivos. No entanto, a coexistência pacífica desses mundos interconectados é ameaçada pela crescente preocupação com o futuro após a construção da fronteira externa do Espaço Schengen. O fracasso de um dos transportes ilegais desencadeia uma avalanche incontrolável de conseqüências que força Adam a questionar seus próprios limites, nenhum dos quais ele planejava atravessar até agora.
New husband Adam reluctantly takes a job with state security in a totalitarian country, thus becoming a secret police agent. This "contract with the devil" helps secure a flat for the happy couple, as well as a prosperous future. However, he soon finds out that he too is under surveillance.