Manuel Rombley


A Verdade Sobre o Caso Deventer
Baseado na história real do notório Caso Deventer. Em 1999, na Holanda, o jornalista Bas Haan investiga o assassinato de uma viúva que foi morta em sua casa, e começa a suspeitar de Ernest Louwes, última pessoa a falar com a vítima. Após uma reportagem de Bas, Ernest começa a ser difamado pela mídia, que transforma a vida dele e de sua esposa em um verdadeiro pesadelo. Arrependido, Bas decide lutar contra as conspirações, a polícia, a mídia e até os juízes para descobrir a verdade, mas acaba percebendo que a imagem às vezes é mais forte do que os fatos.
Apenas Diga Sim
A vida da romântica Lotte desanda quando seus planos para um casamento perfeito dão errado — justo quando a irmã egocêntrica fica noiva.
Unpaved Road To Peace
As teenagers, they decided to fight for FARC. Now that a peace agreement has been signed in Colombia, the children of Caldono return to their bombed village. The question is how the villagers will welcome them: with forgiveness or retaliation? Activist Farid Julicué dedicates himself to achieving reconciliation between the villagers and the former rebels.
Best Friends – The Movie
News that the school is supposed to suddenly close causes great agitation among the students. They decide to take direct action by occupying their school... The siege commands hard-action from the friends to protect their school and identities. Will they convince the board to keep the school open?
Want (81) lies die on. The old woman is entirely ready for the passage, thus she has let know already several times in the presence of thuishulp Frank (31). For empathische the attendant this those moments are where living twists for and
A 7-year old girl is taken to school by her mother. Today is the day that the young girl will go on a school trip with her class. In everything we feel that bringing her daughter to school isn’t a very ordinary occasion for the mother.