"A Little Bit Country" is about an inevitable part of growing up: the sinking feeling when your parents find your cigarettes, lads magazines or the cheap cider hidden in your wardrobe - and confront you one morning across the kitchen table. Whether it's model trains, crochet and crafts, coin collecting, doll making or medieval reenactments, we all pursue peculiar passions that we may be too afraid to admit to the world. And the question is, "Are you a little bit country too?"
"A Little Bit Country" is about an inevitable part of growing up: the sinking feeling when your parents find your cigarettes, lads magazines or the cheap cider hidden in your wardrobe - and confront you one morning across the kitchen table. Whether it's model trains, crochet and crafts, coin collecting, doll making or medieval reenactments, we all pursue peculiar passions that we may be too afraid to admit to the world. And the question is, "Are you a little bit country too?"
"A Little Bit Country" is about an inevitable part of growing up: the sinking feeling when your parents find your cigarettes, lads magazines or the cheap cider hidden in your wardrobe - and confront you one morning across the kitchen table. Whether it's model trains, crochet and crafts, coin collecting, doll making or medieval reenactments, we all pursue peculiar passions that we may be too afraid to admit to the world. And the question is, "Are you a little bit country too?"
Bridget Jones, uma mulher de trinta anos, decide, entre as resoluções de Ano Novo escrever um diário. Bridget revela, a cada capítulo, as suas qualidades e os seus defeitos, além de expor com muito humor situações que fazem parte do dia-a-dia de várias mulheres nesta mesma faixa de idade: problemas com o trabalho, a busca do homem ideal etc. Cada capítulo do livro trata de um determinado dia na vida desta anti-heroína, que sempre inicia o seu relato contabilizando o peso e as calorias, cigarros e unidades alcoólicas que consumiu no dia anterior.