Jeremy Bristow


Last Christians
The Assyrians of the Middle East are among the oldest Christian communities in the world: the Apostle Paul is said to have converted on the road to Damascus and many Assyrians still speak Aramaic, the language of Jesus. Yet today, the descendants of the first Christians face persecution and displacement, as war and instability grip their homelands. Examining the experience of some of the last Christian communities in Turkey and Iraq, this doc offers a window into a world of a minority fighting for survival.
Os Monstros de Hitler
Para criar um Reich de Mil Anos, os Nazistas criaram detalhadas plantas para instalações arianas e vastos parques de caça para animais arianos. Goering e Himmler empregaram os melhores cientistas da Alemanha para mudar o curso da própria natureza.
Der Raub des Mondgesteins