Michael Emery

Michael Emery

Nascimento : , Freehold, New Jersey, USA


Michael Emery is an American stage, film and television actor. He holds a BA in Communication from Monmouth University, West Long Branch, New Jersey, and graduated from the American Academy of Dramatic Arts, New York City, New York, USA.


Michael Emery
Michael Emery
Michael Emery
Michael Emery
Michael Emery
Michael Emery
Michael Emery
Michael Emery
Michael Emery
Michael Emery


Peter Five Eight
Sam, a seemingly poised and glamorous real estate agent in a small mountain community, is revealed to be an unhinged and troubled alcoholic with a dark secret, when a charismatic man named Peter shows up in town one day. As she tries to keep her life from unravelling, an older co-worker named Brenda is targeted by Peter for information at the behest of his powerful and shadowy boss, Mr. Lock.
No Family Without Blood
After a C-suite executive, at a family-owned business, fails in attempts for a hostile takeover, he persuades a third of the managerial staff to travel to the corporation's newest regional territory for a strong initiation of a rival start-up organization. Stakes rise as employees within the new territory are now in danger of losing their positions, homes, stability, and quality of life. In an emergency company board meeting, the CEO presents a plan to embark upon the dangerous mission of going undercover to save the family's company and recover the loss.
They Turned Us Into Killers
Jason Johnson
A girl named Karma is drugged and assaulted by her boyfriend, BJ, which leads to her tragically committing suicide. Prior to this devastating event, she writes a letter to her best friend, Star, detailing the horrific events that unfolded that fateful night. Determined to seek revenge against those responsible, Star hunts down BJ and his brothers, and begins to torture them, while reading to them Karma's suicide letter, before taking each of their lives.
Birdwatcher Kristian Brooks invades a nude queer campground on a remote lake in New Hampshire. He becomes whatever he needs to be to ensnare the locals in his dark fetish in this nightmarish erotic thriller, and consent has never been more deadly.
"Junction Murders" Is the story of Sal Bernando and his partner Raymond Blake, who are haunted by a series of murders that they were unable to solve during their long enforcement careers. Now 15 years after the last killing, Ray and Sal long since retired, the murders begin again with a slight change in the killers methods - but obviously the same person? Sal and Ray begin their own investigation again much to the behest of LT. Cooper and the police force they once were a part of. As they begin to hone in on the monster that has eluded them for the past 15 years, they are forced to confront their own demons and the realization that the killer was far closer than ever Imagined.
Room 9
Jason Johnson
Há muito tempo, o quarto 9 do Johnson / Bedford Inn, localizado em uma pequena cidade remota, foi o local de um horrível assassinato duplo. Décadas depois, com a cidade aterrorizada mais uma vez por uma série de assassinatos rituais sangrentos, uma misteriosa mulher chamada Star chega para investigar e sofre flashbacks bizarros relacionados aos assassinatos da pousada. Ela está ligada aos assassinatos ... ou a próxima vítima da pousada?
American Wisper
Reverend Henning
Wisper, a successful bar owner, comes home to find his wife and children murdered. As the only black man in a white neighborhood, the police consider him a prime suspect, and Wisper is forced to try to solve the crime on his own.
The Lurker
Miles Little
A group of theatre students, celebrating their final show, begin to slowly disappear one at a time.
Corbin Nash
Officer Michaels
A rogue police detective in search of his parents' killer is murdered and reborn the ultimate killer.
The Sweet Life
Tick Tock Jackson
Kenny is an ice cream vendor in Chicago with a crisp white uniform and an apathetic heart. When he encounters Lolita, a sharp-tongued but despondent insurance actuary, their heated conversation, natural spark and mutual hopelessness lead to an unusual proposal for a meet-cute: to travel to San Francisco, where they will jump off the Golden Gate Bridge together.
Ataque dos Zumbis Kudzu
Lonnie, a crop duster pilot, must lead a mismatched group of survivors to escape the deadly zombie horde after an experimental chemical, intended to control the invasive kudzu vine, transforms the citizens of Charleston, MS into zombies.
AA group leader
Caught between her dreams of a better life, a rich mobster who thinks he owns her and an unstable boyfriend who has just killed a man, Sable must take control of her own life or she may find herself dead by dawn.
A Meio Caminho do Inferno
Protests erupt when a halfway house for ex-cons opens in a middle-class neighborhood. As neighborhood protests intensify outside the house, the heat and tension escalate inside until they explode.
Enviado do Céu
Rain DeAngelis
A vida é cheia de mudanças, algumas para muito melhor! Quando o Pastor Randy Michaels, ministro de uma igreja, responsável pelos trabalhos em uma comunidade situada em um bairro perigoso de Los Angeles, acaba sendo enviado para uma nova missão em uma pequena cidade rural do Arizona, ele e sua família precisam se adaptar à mudança de ares e aos costumes de sua nova vizinhança. Com o apoio de sua esposa e de seus filhos, Randy deixará para trás seus temores e entenderá que o chamado que vem de seu coração é verdadeiro e renovará sua fé.
Citrus Springs
An inexperienced detective and a psychologist must learn to work together to stop a masked killer who's terrorizing their small town.
Rastro de Maldade
Redheaded Fellow
O xerife Hunt é chamado pelo delegado assistente Chicory para falar com um forasteiro suspeito, que acaba de chegar à cidade de Bright Hope. Como ele tenta escapar, o xerife dá um tiro em sua perna e logo chama a enfermeira Samantha O'Dwyer para tratá-lo. Entretanto, durante a madrugada a delegacia é atacada por uma tribo de índios selvagens, que sequestra Samantha, o prisioneiro e ainda o subdelegado Nick. Logo o xerife reúne uma equipe de resgate, formada por Chicory, pelo marido Arthur O'Dwyer e o conquistador e especialista em armas John Brooder. Entretanto, além dos perigos da travessia o quarteto precisa lidar com o fato de que Arthur está seriamente ferido na perna, o que prejudica sua locomoção.
The Historian
A troubled, young history professor tries to escape his past by taking a job at a new university, where he struggles with an entrenched and equally-troubled department chair, rampant student apathy, and new relationships that complicate and challenge his world-view.
Família Petúnia
Essa família de ricos e desajustados enfrenta diversas dúvidas, a própria vida, seus relacionamentos e o amor próprio são temas que os assombram. Cada um lidando com uma questão, eles devem reunir as peças desse vaso quebrado que chamam de família e tentar, finalmente, se entenderem como indivíduos e também como unidade.
Bad Parents
A suburban mom relives her season with the soccer obsessed sports parents whose outrageous "win at all costs" behavior spirals out of control.
Nate & Margaret
Nate, a 19 year old film student, and Margaret, a 52 year old spinster, are best friends in an odd, quirky, totally working kind of way... until Nate's audacious classmate Darla sets him up on a date with James. Nate's new life shakes apart his friendship with Margaret, just as she is trying to start a career as a stand-up comedian. Written by Anonymous (IMDB.com).
O Cara Certo
Um rápido e dramático drama romântico sobre um jovem banqueiro de investimentos bem-sucedido de Manhattan que vive a vida encantada prestes a se casar com a mulher dos seus sonhos que, um mês antes de seu casamento, conhece e inesperadamente se apaixona por um homem carismático de seu passado.