Professor Dr. Sassen
Isa, 25, is an influencer:1,5 million followers on Instagram. Too bad that she gets busted with illegal substances for athletes, robbing her of authenticity - a dramatic decline in her career.
The old-turned-scientist tells in the form of his Vlog about the frightening development of his self-built AI. In the end, the prospect emerges that it may even have developed its own consciousness.
Herrenausstatter Anton
"Dirty Sky" tells a gruesome tale of our time with a double finale: once the eternally classic love story of Romeo and Juliet in the guise of Bonnie and Clyde substance, as bloody road movie. On the other end with a romantic fantasy. This film also tells of growing up. Our story is told against the backdrop of a dying industrial area on two versions about the love between two lots of chance: the 17-year-old Jenny and 19-year-old Paule, leading her life in series of unfortunate, even tragic circumstances of the death. Or, with alternative conclusion: the 17-year-old Jenny and 19-year-old Paule, which almost leads her life despite unfortunate chain, even tragic circumstances in the sky of love.
Após ser expulso de casa pela namorada e encher a cara, Christoph (Christoph M. Ohrt), um típico policial machão acorda nu ao lado de Edgar (Tim Bergmann), mecânico gay que trabalha com restauração de carros roubados. Sem saber o que aconteceu e sem ter um lugar para ficar, Chistoph acaba aceitando a proposta de Edgar e passa a morar no quarto de hóspedes. Enquanto Edgar se apaixona por Christoph, esse revê seus conceitos, questionando seu próprio modo de viver. Com a chegada da mãe de Edgar, conturba ainda mais o relacionamento dúbio dos protagonistas...
Uma comédia alemã sobre pré-conceitos e aceitação. Inofensiva sim, um pouco previsível, mas que diverte pelo simples fato de ser alemã, mesmo que dentro dos típicos padrões de Hollywood.
Royal Officer
A bored little prince makes a poor rat hunter his whipping boy but after his pranks at the royal court almost causes a war with the neighbor king he runs away with the whipping boy to escape from his first spanking. After being in the real world his life will change making him a prince fit to rule.