Matteo Urzia

Matteo Urzia


Matteo Urzia


Love is in the Air
Couple Andrea and Giulia, an outwardly successful couple, are having problems in the bedroom. When Giulia invites Max, an old friend from high school, to stay in the family home with their teenage son, some new attitudes begin to form.
Women Vs Men
Anna and Piero fighting routine of a long marriage, when Piero loses his memory, Anna reconstructs his way. For its part, the concierge Rocco and his friend Michele play in a group that emulates the Beatles and face opposition from their partners. Finally, Marcello and Paola are a divorced couple who, from time to time, pretend they are still together to avoid problems. They are victims of a relentless war of sexes.
Santo Augustinho - O Declínio do Império Romano
Augustinus (age 15)
Em 430 DC, a cidade sitiada de Hippo, o bispo de setenta anos Augustino conta a Jovinus, capitão da guarda romana, a estória de como sua mãe Cristã, Mônica, o salvou. Nascido na cidade norte africana de Tagaste, Augustino estudou em Cártago, se tornando realizado mas dissoluto orador. Após se converter para o Maniqueísmo, uma religião livre de culpa, ele foi chamado para a corte imperial em Milão para servir como oponente do Bispo Cristão Ambrose. Mas quando a imperatriz Justina envia guardas imperiais para liberar uma basílica onde a própria mãe de Augustino está rezando, ele é vencido para o Cristianismo. De volta em Hippo, Augustino implora ao cerco Romano para negociar com o Rei Vândalo, Genseric, mas ele orgulhosamente recusa. Nesse ponto, ele também, abrindo mão de uma oportunidade para escapar em um navio enviado pelo Papa para resgatá-lo, ele fica ao lado de seu povo.
Questo piccolo grande amore
From the album of the same name by Claudio Baglioni the film tells the love story of two teenagers during the legendary seventies. A story so overwhelming as to compel the world to retreat, to step aside. Andrea and Giulia come from two different worlds, have different friends, and two different lives who call them strongly in opposite directions. Will they keep their love alive in spite of everything?
Concrete Romance
A climax of brutality and violence after a young man hits some cars in a rush.
The Night Before the Exams
Roberto Martinelli
Rome, 1989. Luca Molinari meets Claudia in a party, both of them are stressed about the upcoming final exams. Luca falls in love with the girl and now spends his time looking for her. He is assisted by his inseparable friends: Alice, Richard, Simon and Maximilian in his journey to find the girl he has fallen in love with.
Stasera lo faccio!
The loves and jealousies of a group of teens emerge during a birthday party.
Hotel Paura