A documentary directed by Kathrin Anderson.
Fr. Zeitlinger
Um escritor que vive em Los Angeles passa por diversos acontecimentos estranhos em sua vida. Obcecado pelo sucesso, ele tenta dar algum sentido aos fatos que têm ocorrido.
An outstanding and powerful dramatization of the Crusades. Set in the 11th Century, three men set off on an epic journey to the Holy Land to take part in history's most notorious battle.
Cardinal Strauss
Nesta prequela de "O Código Da Vinci", o simbologista Robert Langdon tentará impedir que uma antiga sociedade secreta destrua o Vaticano durante o conclave para eleger um novo papa.
Wilhelm Wexler
Em Trama Internacional, um suspense arrebatador, Louis Salinger (Clive Owen), agente da Interpol e Eleanor Whitman (Naomi Watts), Promotora de Justiça de Manhattan, estão decididos a levar um dos bancos mais poderosos do mundo à justiça. Revelando inúmeras atividades ilegais repreensíveis, Salinger e Whitman rastreiam o dinheiro de Berlim a Milão, de Nova York a Istambul. Ao correrem grandes riscos pelo mundo, sua tenacidade implacável põe suas próprias vidas em jogo, já que nada detém seus alvos - nem assassinatos, de continuar a financiar o terror e a guerra.
von Leeb
Kate Davis (Mira Sorvino), uma jovem jornalista inglesa, é enviada a trabalho para Leningrado. A Segunda Guerra Mundial está no seu auge, os nazistas já dominam metade da Europa e parte de Rússia, mas falham em Leningrado. Ao perceber que não conseguiria tomar a cidade à força, Hitler monta uma estratégia extremamente desumana. Cerca Leningrado, bloqueando o acesso de mantimentos, com o objetivo de matar de fome mais de três milhões de pessoas. Em meio a este cerco do horror, Kate e a população local, precisam tentar de todas as maneiras sobreviver e não sucumbir à fome e ao domínio do nazismo, na batalha mais cruel da Segunda Guerra Mundial.
Johann Buddenbrook
O filme centra-se no destino de três gerações de uma família de comerciantes no norte da Alemanha, mostrando a ascensão e queda de seus integrantes. Numa sociedade pronta para a mudança, os valores familiares parecem também condenados a se transformar.
Anna (Naomi Watts) é uma parteira que trabalha em um hospital de Londres. Um dia ela testemunha a morte de uma jovem, durante um parto realizado em pleno Natal. Ela decide dar a notícia de seu falecimento pessoalmente, o que a faz pesquisar sobre sua identidade e família. A busca acaba colocando-a em contato com o lucrativo tráfico do sexo, comandado por uma organização criminosa da Rússia. Logo Anna conhece Nikolai (Viggo Mortensen), um homem violento e misterioso que é mais do que aparenta.
Nicoli Seroff
John Talia Jr.(TRevor Morgan)é um talentoso e problemático estudante de artes de 18 anos que quer se tornar um grande artista. Ao conhecer Nicoli Seroff (Armin Mueller-Sstahl), um genial pintor, ele insiste para que o velho mestre o ensine a pintar. Mas Seroff não só desistiu da arte, mas, também, da vida e quer ficar em paz. No entanto, ele convida John para passar uma temporada em sua casa na Pensilvânia, EUA. Juntos, dão um ao outro um precioso presente: o estudante aprende a ver o mundo através dos olhos do talentoso mestre, e o mestre aprende a ver a vida com os olhos da innocência novamente. Baseado em uma emocionante história real.
Herr Winter
Successful architect Robert has a one-night stand with a mysterious lady in red. The next day they meet again, but Carolin is now a corporate lawyer working on a major contract for Robert ...
Grandpa Randolph
Aventura e fantasia sobre o amor e a amizade entre dois adolescentes (um menino e uma menina) que se ajudam a enfrentar as dificuldades de suas idades.
The 1870's. South Africa. Life is normal at the farm on the slopes of a Karoo Kopje.Things change when the sinister, eccentric Bonaparte Blenkins with bulbous nose and chimney pot hat arrives. Their childhood is disrupted by the bombastic Irishman who claims blood ties with Wellington and Queen Victoria and so gains uncanny influence over the girls' gross stupid stepmother.
Bertold " Barry " Böhmer
A failed track coach finally finds someone who he believes has what it takes to win. The Comrades Marathon is a 90-k race in South Africa. An aging running coach, Barry, wants to field a winner; he's working with four men from a factory, but when he's fired to make way for a smooth, corporate type, he's at loose ends. Then he sees Christine, a Namibian immigrant who runs to forget her troubles. He offers to coach her and soon she's living at his house, following his diet and training regimen. But his single-mindedness gets to her: she wants a job and a place of her own. Plus, the man who replaced Barry likes her and wants her away from Barry. Can runner and coach (woman and man, African and European) sort out their complex relationship before the race? Written by
Towards the end of the eleventh century, Pope Urban II announces a crusade against the Saracens, who have occupied the holy city of Jerusalem. Three young friends Richard, Peter and Andrew set off to join the crusading army.
A beautiful artist helps an amnesiac piece together his identity and evade a gangster on his trail.
Ramier Beck
Quando a primeira missão tripulada a Marte sofre um catastrófico e misterioso desastre, uma missão de salvamento é enviada para investigar a tragédia e trazer de volta possíveis sobreviventes.
Prof. Dr. Kirschbaum
Na Polônia ocupada pelos nazistas, em plena Segunda Guerra Mundial, Jakob (Robin Williams), um comerciante empobrecido, traz esperança e humor num gueto judeu, ao reportar boletins fictícios sobre os passos das tropas da Aliança para derrotar o exército de Hitler. Mas quando os soldados alemães tomam conhecimento da fictícia rádio, eles partem em busca do suposto herói que vem mantendo acesa a chama da resistência.
Erzbischof Werner
The Vatican sends a priest to verify some miracles, performed by a woman who has been nominated for sainthood...
Não existe personagem da história cuja vida tenha sido mostrada tantas vezes e de maneiras tão diferente a não ser Jesus de Nazaré. Apresenta um Jesus que cativa pela sua simplicidade, pela sua ternura, pelo seu modo de agir e pelo seu entusiasmo.
Hannon Fuller
Um homem acorda e descobre uma camisa ensanguentada em casa. Seu chefe foi assassinado na noite anterior, e ele não consegue se lembrar de nada. Esta ficção científica explora a possibilidade sinistra e assustadora de universos simulados por computadores, onde as pessoas apenas acreditam que são reais.
Os agentes do FBI Fox Mulder (David Duchovny) e Dana Scully (Gillian Anderson) investigam uma conspiração depois que uma bomba é detonada em um prédio no Texas. Uma das vítimas não morreu por causa explosão e, sim, devido a um vírus misterioso. A dupla segue a direção das pistas, que podem confirmar a presença de alienígenas na Terra.
Hans Koenig
John Hurt stars as a scandal-hit member of parliament, dispatched to the political backwaters of the European Commission in Brussels as penance for his failures. However, once there he stumbles upon a chemical weapons outrage that points to a sinister political-industrial conspiracy.
Dimitri Vertikoff
Em algum lugar da Rússia dois trens se chocam, sendo que em um deles existia bombas nucleares. Após o acidente houve uma explosão nuclear, que colocou em alerta a comunidade internacional. Mas uma cientista nuclear e chefe do Grupo Especial Anti-Contrabando de Armas Nucleares da Casa Branca não acredita que foi um acidente e um tenente-coronel, que um oficial da Inteligência das Forças Especiais do Exército americano subordinado a ela, também desconfia que algo está bastante errado e que o acidente foi uma cortina de fumaça para as ogivas nucleares serem roubadas. Assim, os dois viajam tentando deter uma conspiração que tem ramificações em alguns países e cujos resultados podem ser catastróficos
Anson Baer
Nicholas Van Orton é um banqueiro bem-sucedido que se mantém discreto. Quando seu irmão distante Conrad retorna para seu aniversário, traz para Nicholas um presente estranho: uma participação em um jogo da vida real. Inicialmente inofensivo, o jogo fica cada vez mais pessoal e Nicholas começa a temer por sua vida quando ele escapa de agentes organizadores do jogo misterioso. Sem ninguém em quem confiar, o banqueiro tem que encontrar respostas por si mesmo.
Juror 4
Um jovem latino é acusado de cometer um crime. Para julgá-lo são convocados 12 jurados, sendo que 11 concordam que ele é culpado, porém apenas um discorda da decisão, que considera precipitada. Ele terá então que enfrentar a má vontade dos outros jurados e também a diferente interpretação dos fatos. No entanto, todos serão obrigados a rever os fatos e circunstâncias do crime para defender sua decisão.
Rabbi Adam Heller
In the Warsau ghetto of 1943, one man's struggle to keep his family together leads him to the ultimate crisis of faith and one final chance at redemption.
Adolf Hitler
An American historian (Mr Webster) comes to Berlin to visit an old man who claims to be the real Adolf Hitler and to be 103 years old. The Hitler who died in 1945, the old man says, was just one of his six doubles - one for each weekday - while Hitler himself retired into a bunker below the S-Bahn tracks and married a second time.
An American historian (Mr Webster) comes to Berlin to visit an old man who claims to be the real Adolf Hitler and to be 103 years old. The Hitler who died in 1945, the old man says, was just one of his six doubles - one for each weekday - while Hitler himself retired into a bunker below the S-Bahn tracks and married a second time.
An American historian (Mr Webster) comes to Berlin to visit an old man who claims to be the real Adolf Hitler and to be 103 years old. The Hitler who died in 1945, the old man says, was just one of his six doubles - one for each weekday - while Hitler himself retired into a bunker below the S-Bahn tracks and married a second time.
Count von Kaltenborn
O francês Abel Tiffauges é um homem ingênuo que vive uma vida simples trabalhando como um mecânico. Falsamente acusado de ser um pedófilo, ele é recrutado como soldado no início da Segunda Guerra Mundial, mas logo é capturado e levado ao coração da Alemanha nazista.
Desconhecido chega em um bar em uma noite de muita chuva, logo demonstrando ser extremamente excêntrico e estar totalmente perdido. Assim, a dona do estabelecimento o leva para casa e neste momento é descortinado um flashback da vida do desconhecido, que desde criança já dava indícios de ser um brilhante pianista. Protagonizado por Geoffrey Rush, vencedor do Oscar para Melhor Actor de 96, "Shine", foi um dos mais significativos candidatos ao Oscar conquistando 7 nomeações. Numa noite de inverno David entre num bar. Embora claramente excêntrico, ele é um excelente pianista, despertando desde logo a atenção e a simpatia de todos. A sua vida sempre foi caracterizada pelo domínio avassalador do seu pai que sempre pretendeu transformá-lo num grande pianista apesar do seu excessivo protecionismo. Desafiando a autoridade do seu pai, aceita um convite para ir estudar para Londres. Apesar de toda a sua genialidade David tem bastantes dificuldades de adaptação o que transforma sua vida num caos.
Karol / Virgilus
A lighthouse guardian leads a young prince towards an imaginary world, Taxandria, where the boy learns about the power of love and the value of liberty. A totalitarian regime has forbidden time: time watches have been confiscated, photo cameras are illegal as they freeze a point in time. A typical Servais theme: a power is oppressed by a constraint that denies what is best in the individual, and therefore has to be twisted in various ways, to establish an entirely artificial world, that has rules that may question some of the rules of our world at this side of the mirror.
Elizar Kane
Num futuro onde os dinossauros foram recriados por engenharia genética, e convivem pacificamente com os humanos, policial durona se vê em apuros quando descobre que seu novo parceiro chama-se Theodore Rex e pesa três toneladas.
Mr. Linzer
O incendiário Garet ama sua ex-namorada Stephanie, que está apaixonada pelo padeiro Sergio que, por sua vez só tem olhos para a irritadiça Hattie. Quando a padaria pega fogo, todos parecem dispostos a assumir a culpa para afirmar suas paixões.
Joseph Kopple
A reclusive aging widower struggling with tax problems has a complete change in his views of life as he has a chance encounter with a young woman who moves in with him briefly.
Uncle Wilhelm
Arquette faz uma jovem do interior que sonha ser estrela, mas ganha a vida imitando Marilyn Monroe. Após um assalto, ela e o namorado fogem, mas ele morre em um acidente e, seguindo uma tradição de família, ela tem de se casar com o irmão mais jovem do rapaz. Juntos, eles sofrerão a perseguição de um agente corrupto que pretende ficar com o dinheiro.
Germany in the Thirties. A movie teller realizes that his profession is not longer needed. Silent movies are not produced any longer. Telling stories is the only thing the man was ever good in, so he does not know what to do now. As political circumstances are changing dramatically these days in Germany, he gets new hope that things will again be going better for him...
Severo del Valle
A história do Chile da década de 20 aos anos 70 é contada através da saga da família Trueba, que começa com a união de um homem simples (Jeremy Irons), que fica rico, com uma jovem (Meryl Streep) de poderes paranormais. A saga se desenvolve até esta família ser atingida pela revolução, que no início da década de 70 derrubou o presidente Salvador Allende.
In 1959, a young Soviet musician risks everything to pursue his newfound love of American rock 'n' roll.
East Berliner Dieter was working at a very low-level factory job when East and West Germany were unified. He has a very ill child to take care of who requires expensive and special treatments that are not covered by the state medical system. When he loses his job in the inevitable downsizing, he is approached by a sinister rich man to perform various off-the-books services for him, including spying on the rich man's wife. Reluctantly, he accepts the role of "friend" to this untrustworthy fellow. His child is becoming steadily worse, so when the requests of his "friend" include violent and unlawful actions, he does not feel able to refuse him outright.
Um órfão, o pequeno PK, procura ajuda em seu único amigo: um gentil e experiente prisioneiro que o ensina a lutar boxe. O pequeno quando é esperto vence o grande, diz o prisioneiro. Primeiro com a cabeça, depois com o coração. Vivendo por essas palavras, PK amadurece lutando com os seus punhos e com o coração. Ele abala o sistema e as injustiças a sua volta e descobre que uma pessoa realmente pode fazer diferença.
Baron Kaspar Joachim von Utz
Hugh Whitemore adapted Bruce Chatwin's novel for this tale of a New York antique dealer who travels to Prague to buy the porcelain collection of the late Baron Utz, only to become embroiled in the wreckage of the dead man's unusual life history after he discovers that the collection is missing.
Helmut Grokenberger
Uma coleção de cinco histórias passadas dentro de 5 táxis em 5 cidades diferentes. Los Angeles - Uma agente de talentos para o cinema acha sua motorista de táxi perfeita para um papel. Nova York - Um motorista de táxi imigrante continuamente perdido numa cidade que não conhece. Paris - Um taxista da Costa do Marfim que pega uma menina cega. Roma - Um taxista falante que pega um religioso. Helsinki - Um trabalhador industrial é despedido e seus compatriotas reclamam da vida para o motorista.
Arno Bronstein
Kafka, an insurance worker gets embroiled in an underground group after a co-worker is murdered. The underground group is responsible for bombings all over town, attempting to thwart a secret organization that controls the major events in society. He eventually penetrates the secret organization and must confront them.
Sam Krichinsky
Uma família polonesa imigra para os Estados Unidos no começo do século 20 tentando construir um futuro melhor. Depois de um começo difícil, acompanham as transformações do país, tornando-se prósperos comerciantes em meio ao sonho americano.
Narrator (voice)
Mike Laszlo
A lawyer defends her father accused of war crimes, but there is more to the case than she suspects.
Baron von Rastchuk
Ulrich Mühe plays a German businessman who was born completely without scruples. This makes him an eminently suitable candidate for success in the chaotic years after World War I. The shameless man's story is contrasted with that of his polar opposite, a Jewish anarchist.
Pig money.
The life of Tamás, antiquities dealer, runs in a normal, everyday way, he is stealing, swindling, cheating on his wife just like everybody else. Suddenly three men, who live in the attic, start harassing him. They construct coarse and unpleasant schemes against him and carry them into effect at the most unexpected times and places.
Inspector Alex Glass
Police Commissioner Alex Glass has been twisted into a sarcastic cynic by the hard luck story that is his life and by his daily contact with the criminals of Berlin's underground. His new assistant, Shirly Mai, is an attractive and conscientious woman who embodies a quality of virtue that her boss gave up a long time ago. They have both been assigned to solve a series of gruesome murders that have been taking place in Berlin's drug and prostitution ganglands. The prime suspect is George Miskowski, a pusher who supplies Berlin's brothels and hookers with cocaine and heroin.
Max Telligan
Axel Baumgartner
Lethal Obsession é um filme de suspense policial alemão de 1987, escrito e dirigido por Peter Patzak e estrelado por Peter Maffay, Tahnee Welch, Michael York, Armin Mueller-Stahl, Elliott Gould e Massimo Ghini.
Lutz Kehlmann
Dr. Leopold Jordan / Dr. Körner
Chef der Grauen
In the ruins of an amphitheatre just outside an unnamed Italian city lives Momo, a little girl of mysterious origin. She is remarkable in the neighbourhood because she has the extraordinary ability to listen — really listen. By simply being with people and listening to them, she can help them find answers to their problems, make up with each other, and think of fun games.
Blinder Regisseur
A poignant film essay about 'superfluous people' facing up to a moment of crisis in their lives.
Graf Pergen
In the dead of night, a few hours after Mozart's death, the usual suspects are summoned to Mozart's room by Count Pergen, head of the secret police, who considered Mozart a potential revolutionary. Over the corpse, he interrogates them, trying to discover the true cause and significance of Mozart's demise.
Ambientado durante a glória do império austro-húngaro, o filme conta a ascensão e queda de Alfred Redl (Brandauer), um jovem e ambicioso oficial que sobe a escada para se tornar chefe da Polícia Secreta e se enredar em problemas políticos. (e 14 - Estimado 14 Anos)
Leon Wolny
In the winter of 1942-43, a Jewish family leaps from a train going through Silesia. They are separated in the woods, and Leon, a local peasant who's now a farmer of some wealth, discovers the woman, Rosa, and hides her in his cellar. Leon's a middle-aged Catholic bachelor, tormented by his sexual drive. He doesn't tell Rosa he's seen signs her husband is alive, and he begs her to love him. Rosa offers herself to Leon if he'll help a local Jew in hiding who needs money. Leon pays, and love between Rosa and him does develop, but then Leon's peasant subservience and his limited empathy lead to tragedy. At the war's end, a ray of sunshine comes from an unexpected place.
Otto Flamm
Maria has suffered from depression since the death of her child, and goes to live in a lonely house by the sea.
The lawyer
Two policemen, Franck and Rupert, intervene in a Parisian heliport where drugs are exchanged for a large sum of money. They decide to keep the loot and find themselves fighting with the mafia.
In May of 1983, a man turns 49 and, with his 17-year old son, journeys to the village in Baden that he left 40 years before. He wants to discover what happened then, the truth about an affair his mother had with a young Polish prisoner of war, how the authorities came to learn of it, the lovers' arrest, and the aftermath. While his son takes Polaroid photographs, he retraces the steps of his childhood and interviews those who should remember. The story is disclosed in flashbacks that focus on the lovers (Paulina and Stanislaus), on a jealous and conniving neighbor, and on Mayer, the local SS commander who wants to find a way out of inevitable consequences.
François Korb / Andres Korb
Francois Korb is an arms manufacturer who sold both to the Germans and the Allied forces. Korb's home life is less than ideal, since his wife is having an affair with his brother, and his young son is inseparable from a teddy bear. To remedy the son's situation, the parents take in a little refugee girl as a temporary companion and playmate, and the two children become fast friends.
Henri's Father
Henri is a lonely, isolated young man who lets no one get close to him. He meets a street hustler and comes out of his shell, going 180 degrees into gay obsession. Though he has yet to physically approach the object of his affection, Henri builds up so much unrequited lust that it explodes with horrible results.
Fjodor Kuschnik
The true story of the man who blew up the Orient Express.
Harald Liebe
Germany, 1981. State Security Service agent Harald Love is sent on a secret mission from the GDR to the Federal Republic, to verify an informant with the code name "Heinz" who is suspected to be a double agent. A job that may change his life forever...
After his father is murdered by the Nazis in 1938, a young Viennese Jew named Ferry Tobler flees to Prague, where he joins forces with another expatriate and a sympathetic Czech relief worker. Together with other Jewish refugees, the three make their way to Paris, and, after spending time in a French prison camp, eventually escape to Marseille, from where they hope to sail to a safe port
Max Rehbein
Munique, 1955. A estrela de cinema Veronika Voss torna-se uma toxicodependente à mercê da corrupta Dra. Marianne Katz. Depois de conhecer Robert Krohn, ela sonha com um regresso ao estrelato. Quanto mais o relacionamento se intensifica, mais ela toma consciência do quanto o vício a debilitou.
Tony Sikora
Ernst Keil
Andreas Roth
von Bohm
Baviera, 1957. Em uma pequena cidade, Schuckert é um magnata corrupto da construção. Quando o novo oficial honesto Herr von Bohm é nomeado, ele tenta se aproximar de Schuckert e ousa entrar no bordel da Villa Fink – o verdadeiro centro da economia da cidade. Até que se apaixona pela prostituta Lola.
Three couples want to spend a short break together. Some have a traffic accident, the others are prevented professionally. So the designer Robert and the youth helper Ellen are forced to spend the days in a remote farmhouse alone with her young son. The previously suppressed marriage crisis breaks open. Allegations, confessions, charges, self-accusations are in the room. Painfully, they come to the realization that only their own happiness is responsible for their happiness. With the old landlord, each of them finds himself. In the end, Robert and Ellen want to try a new beginning.
Dr. Schmith
When Dr. Schmith's proposal for international research on infant mortality is rejected, he decides to leave East Germany and strikes a deal with an escape agency that promises him a leading position at a children's hospital in West Germany. But then the decision is reversed: the project is approved and his international colleagues want Dr. Schmith to head the GDR section. Moreover, he falls in love with his new colleague, Katharina. Schmith initially tries to ignore the arrangements he made with the escape agency, but they blackmail him. Things soon turn deadly...
Wolfgang Schmidt
Roman Schlamm
A Jewish ghetto in the east of Europe, 1944. By coincidence, Jakob Heym eavesdrops on a German radio broadcast announcing the Soviet Army is making slow by steady progress towards central Europe. In order to keep his companion in misfortune, Mischa, from risking his life for a few potatoes, he tells him what he heard and announces that he is in possession of a radio - in the ghetto a crime punishable by death. It doesn't take long for word of Jakob's secret to spread - suddenly, there is new hope and something to live for - and so Jakob finds himself in the uncomforting position of having to come up with more and more stories.
The adventures of Kit Bellew and his friend Shorty during the gold fever at the end of the 19th century.
Vater Klemm
Dr. Brock
World-famous geneticist Professor Hülsenbeck is a man of integrity who refuses to mix science and political gain. When his findings are being used to harm humanity, he immigrates to the USA in 1933 in protest against Nazi racial politics.
In this East German film, the third one in The Third is Margit's third lover. After her mother's death, Margit has two affairs which don't work out, and one lesbian friendship which she retains. She is looking for a husband, though, and thinks she has spotted a candidate in her fellow factory worker. As she contemplates marrying him, her story is told in a series of flashbacks.
Oberleutnant Heide
Chris Howard
At the end of the 19th century, the Wyoming Oil Company has established itself in the vicinity of Wind River City at the foot of the Rocky Mountains, where they have been illegally pumping oil from Native American territory. One of the company's greedy agents, Mike Allison, kicks out both his white partners and the Native Americans. He has his some of his associates secretly murdered and blames it on the Native Americans, who are then killed when they get in the way of his plans. Five chiefs with lifelong shares in the Oil Company die mysteriously as a result. The young chief Shave Head asks his a half-blooded brother Chris Howard for help.
Dr. Achim Engelhardt
Ewald Honig can't break his bad habit. Hardly has he crossed over into the GDR when the strapping, well-built man in his late fifties once again starts courting ladies with fraudulent intentions. His daughter Ina, burdened with the same genes, specializes in married men in their prime. Two criminologists are on the Honigs' trail, but they soon have enough to handle just dealing with each other. Meanwhile, Honig and his daughter have left their wayward path of their own accord.
Georg Brecher
Sowjetischer Arzt
Daniela – a single mother, whose boyfriend left for the US – believes wholeheartedly in Cuba's revolutionary new order. Meanwhile, in Florida, a plot is afoot. Under the command of an American officer, four Cubans ex-patriots and a Guatemalan land on the Cuban coast to prepare a US invasion of the island. Daniela's superior, the corrupt Cuban officer Palomino, is secretly helping the invaders and the young woman becomes entangled in the intrigue.
Reinhard Marschner
Willibald Güttler
Christine is a young farm worker in a small village in post-war Germany. Her attempts to improve her situation through further education are hampered by frequent pregnancies arising from ill-fated relationships.
Thomas Rothardt
Based on a true story of inmates at KZ Buchenwald that risked their lives to hide a small Jewish boy shortly before the liberation of the camp.
On August 13th, 1961 - the night that the Berlin Wall goes up - three people must make a decision that will change their lives forever.
Magdalena and Michael have loved each other since they were children. But when the Nazis come to power, Michael rebels against the regime and is sentenced to fifteen years in a concentration camp. Magdalena, meanwhile, goes underground with the help of a friend and later immigrates to the Soviet Union. Michael, who has joined the Red Army, discovers on the way to Moscow that Magdalena is staying there. But when his plane lands, she is already on her way back to Germany. Michael hopes that one day, he and Magdalena will be reunited.
Pierre, der Franzose
It is the year 1936 and the Spanish Civil War is raging. When the German commander of an international brigade is badly wounded he gives his five comrades a message which he divides up and secretes into in five cartridges. All five shells must reach the battalion in order for the message to be relayed. But Frenchman Pierre can’t bear the heat of the Sierra. When he leaves their hide-out to drink from a well he is hit by an enemy bullet.
Hans Röder