Um cientista cria um revolucionário piloto automático para um avião. Durante o primeiro voo, e com lotação completa, um vírus de computador faz com que o avião fique fora de controle. Antes que o poder militar derrube o avião, o inventor tentará encontrar uma maneira de aterrissar com segurança.
Two convicts, held in an orbiting detention facility above a post-apocalyptic earth, are hired by mega-corporation Hunsinger to perform a risky salvage mission down on the planet. They land, and work their way into a gigantic underground industrial complex, following a map to their ultimate destination, to retrieve and salvage... the item. Being prisoners, they are given little info, and are given credit toward early release as payment. They get more than they expected, and things go from bad to evil.
In the 1960's at Arthur Kingston's old butcher house blood and guts were routine. That all changed one night when the blood spilled was human. At the hand of a murderous, rampaging butcher, two workers and the owner's son were killed. The factory was shut down. Decades pass. The massacre became a legend, but the abandoned butcher house still held the evil in its halls. As six teenagers explore the old butcher house, they unleash the horror that lies within.