Um herói solitário e uma bela atiradora ajudam um menino a resgatar sua mãe, a qual foi raptada.
Neste enérgico Western protagonizado por Bruce Dern (Os Oito Odiados), um pistoleiro valente salva uma noiva em fuga - mas terá de enfrentar a ira da família enraivecida e vingativa do noivo.
Alfie tells the story of a unique character who is trying his best to overcome his own demons. Through therapy, Alfie's issues are slung to the forefront of discovery and he does his best to keep them at bay; but it is a hard line to walk.
Wes Rawlins is considered one of the best bounty hunters in the West. His life changes when he finds out that his mother is dead and the man responsible is still at large. Wes believes that his long lost father Ray Eastman is responsible and sets out to find him seeking revenge...