Yiannis Alexiou


In a complex tale of interweaving relationships, a gay occupational therapist in London explores the meaning of what it is to love and heal.
In a complex tale of interweaving relationships, a gay occupational therapist in London explores the meaning of what it is to love and heal.
Redenção - Lutando Pela Fé
The Bishop
Adam é um jovem que trabalha na paróquia de uma pequena cidade e finge ser o bispo para escutar as confissões dos moradores. Quando ele conhece Eve e cede à tentação, ele estará a um passo da perdição.
Lost Existence
Vincent Martinez
After time spent in a clinic, a mother returns home to tell the family she’s leaving but tragically ends up choking to death on an olive. This Vincent can’t handle, so he decides to move away after the passing of his mother. A year later sister Lucy is left to care for father who now suffers from dementia and still believes mother is alive. Lucy calls on Vincent for help, whilst trying convince father that mother’s gone, she falls to her death. Holidaying in Greece, Vincent meets Marcus and is introduced to Sophia with whom he falls in love but happiness for Vincent seems to elude him when Sophia decides to leave and a stray bullet from Marcus’s gun almost ends his life.