Georges Monca


Le choc en retour
A rich sugar factory manager wants to marry his daughter to an aristocrat, while the young girl is in love with an engineer, employed in a rival company.
Le choc en retour
A rich sugar factory manager wants to marry his daughter to an aristocrat, while the young girl is in love with an engineer, employed in a rival company.
Trois jours de perm'
On one side, a crooked banker, his nephew and his orderly; on the other, the honest friend of the banker and his daughter. Substitution of male and female characters that end with two marriages.
A Night at a Honeymoon
The maid and the driver of Sidonie de Valpurgis have the absurd idea of ​​subletting the hotel of their boss during her absence, and precisely to Sidonie's ex-friend, who wants to spend his wedding night there.
La roche aux mouettes
To restore health to their little boy, the Henry couple decided to live in Brittany. The child has a cult of the sea. One day, he follows a band of little Bretons to the high seas and the children would all be drowned if their fathers had not arrived in time.
Le chemineau
Autour d'un berceau
Sans famille
Sans famille
The Irony of Fate
The Irony of Fate
Altemer le cynique
La double existence de Lord Samsey
Lord Samsey murders his uncle in order to get rich. His sister's boyfriend vows to find who the murderer is so he can clear his wrongly accused father.
Le sang des Finoël
Le sang des Finoël
Le meurtrier de Théodore
Chouquette et son as
For some, misfortune does not need the test of time. It is the case of three-year-old Marcelle Monfort who sees her mother die suddenly in a public garden while her ruined father is on his way to America. Taken in by Madame Jalin, a washerwoman, Marcelle grows up enduring the jealousy of Louise, Madame Jalin's daughter. Having had enough of the situation Marcelle leaves home and soon gets ill. Fortunately, she benefits for a time from Mademoiselle de Beaurenon's compassionate support. But her troubles are not over yet, for her benefactor dies and she is kicked out of home by the good lady's greedy relatives who think they are her heirs. Rose, the old domestic, takes care of Marcelle until, at long last, luck takes a turn for the better. Not only does her father come back from the USA but Madame de Beaurenon also leaves her all her assets.
Madame and Her Godchild
Marjolin, called for military duty, has cheated on his wife who found out and decided to get even by being a godmother to another soldier, a cook named Brichoux. Brichoux sells his place to Lambrisset who soon makes a pass at the woman. Marjolin's uncle, a colonel, arrives unexpectedly and congratulates his alleged nephew. But Mrs. Lambrisset, thinking that her husband did not get his leave, comes to Paris to visit her friend Mrs. Marjolin, and finds her husband there. The Colonel sweetens her temper.
La route du devoir
The Hunted
The Word of The Enigma
I Married My Widow's Sister
Rigadin No Longer Loves Cinema
Rigadin and his rival use camera/projector systems to reach their objectives.
The Woe that Passes
The Champagne of Rigadin
'Le Champagne de Rigadin' tells the story of two neighbouring couples who love to play petanque. One day, one of the men pulls a prank on his neighbours by leaving an explosive filled with water in their garden. His son tries to play the same kind of tricks, resulting in a less cheerful ending.
Rigadin est jaloux
Rigadin (Charles Prince) is having raging fits of jealousy.
With Family
The Singer
Le Bon Juge
Rigadin in the Balkans
Charles Prince, his gift of a posy spurned in favor of a rival's expensive ring, goes to enlist in the Balkan Wars. Sort of. That is, he goes to Pathe Freres and talks them into making a movie about him enlisting (and fighting) in the Balkans. That'll teach her!
Rigadin veut faire du cinéma
Le réalisateur
Whiffles, the awkwardly funny comedian, after reading an ad, offers his services to Pathe Freres as a moving picture actor. The illness of a leading man gives Whiffles an opportunity to show his ability. His experiences as a lover are highly diverting, as, in a situation of this kind. Whiffles is unequaled. A few days later, however, the husband of Whiffles' leading lady sees the picture in a theater. Being of a mean and jealous disposition he challenges to a duel. Whiffles accepts and although a loser, the manner of his defeat will win him many new admirers and delight his old friends.
Rigadin veut faire du cinéma
Whiffles, the awkwardly funny comedian, after reading an ad, offers his services to Pathe Freres as a moving picture actor. The illness of a leading man gives Whiffles an opportunity to show his ability. His experiences as a lover are highly diverting, as, in a situation of this kind. Whiffles is unequaled. A few days later, however, the husband of Whiffles' leading lady sees the picture in a theater. Being of a mean and jealous disposition he challenges to a duel. Whiffles accepts and although a loser, the manner of his defeat will win him many new admirers and delight his old friends.
The Little Thing
The Surprises of Divorce
Rigadin: Defender of Virtue
Having fallen in love with a beautiful neighbor girl, Rigadin (Charles Prince) tries to help her get rid of a persistent suitor.
Whiffles, Cubic Artist
After visiting the first Cubist exposition in Paris, Rigadin (Charles Prince) is struck by his discovery: A egg is a rhombus, the earth a cube! Unfortunately, he is engaged to Miss Rondebosse (Gabrielle Lange), whose father is head of the Tradition...
La Doctoresse
Comedy. Lady doctor who neglects her husband gives up her career for love. Main title and credits. The husband tries to give his wife, the lady doctor, a kiss. She ignores him and shoos him from the room saying she is too busy - (pan right through wall acting as a split screen to reveal a waiting room full of patients). The husband is sent to help the housekeeper with the accounts; the housekeeper uses the opportunity to flirt with the husband. The husband makes his escape. Later, a friend of the husband arrives and persuades the husband to join him. The husband is persuaded and they meet up with a circus troup.
Rigadin et la doctoresse
Charles Prince is married to Mistinguett, but she's too busy being a doctor to tend to her wifely duties, so he seeks entertainment elsewhere in this short from Pathe Freres.
Rigadin Has a Sensitive Soul
In this comedy, the sympathy is not the poor, but the noble donor who can not watch the distress: He distributed all his money - and even given away some clothes that he wears on his body.
Rigadin fait de la contrebande
Charles Prince is visiting the city with his wife and mother-in-law. He buys some lace for his girlfriend, but the women soon discover it and he pretends it is for the spouse.
Rigadin pêche à la ligne
Rigadin tires his luck at fishing.
Rigadin's Nose
Le Clown et le Pasha
Short chase film.
Le Clown et le Pasha
Short chase film.
Hidden behind a parasol, Rigadin was courting his eventual mistress when suddenly he saw his wife and his step-mother walking to him with a smile...
Rigadin n'aime pas le vendredi 13
Rigadin encounters nothing but trouble on Friday the 13th.
Le médecin de service
Rigadin pretending to be a doctor.
Max's First Job
Recommended by a friend of the Ambigu Theatre, Max is summoned to Joinville studios. His first role is that of a husband who comes home late.
Le nègre blanc
A black man is introduced at a high society party, where he proposes to a débutante. He's refused because of his colour. He goes to an inventor who has a potion that turns him white. Now she's interested in him, but after he slips her some of the elixir, she's black and he gets to refuse her.
Rigadin et l'escalope de veau
Charles Prince's wife has been acting strangely lately, refusing him admission into her boudoir. She has been trying various methods to refresh her skin, including putting a piece of veal atop her brow while she sleeps. Then, in a clear case of waste not, want not, she has the cook prepare the veal for Prince's meal. He thinks it tastes odd and it makes him behave in a strange manner.
The story of two orphaned girls.
Rigadin se décide à travailler
Rigadin, prohibited by his sweetheart's father from courting her, finally decides to work properly.
Les timidités de Rigadin
Shy Rigadin decides to visit some friends of the family, but they are called away and when out the servants play high society, dressing up and partying. Which is when Rigadin enters…
The Barometer of Fidelity
This Max Linder short opens with him and his girl blissfully rowing in a canoe before skipping ahead two years later.
Romance of a Boot and a Dancing Slipper
Romance of a Boot and a Dancing Slipper
Montargis' Dog
The aristocrat Macaire, out of jealousy, plans to ambush his comrade Montargis because the King favors him.
The Man Monkey
A man behaves like a monkey after its brain is transplanted into him.
Jim is Fond of Garlic
In this comedy we see a fellow giving orders to the cook to put plenty of garlic in his food, and she complies with his wishes by giving everything an extra dose of the unpleasant ingredient. The first victim of the fumes is a dog that is seated beside the table, and when the fellow blows his breath on the animal he falls over unconscious from the effects. Next he prostrates a street cleaner and a painter perched on a ladder, as well as a woman in charge of a newsstand. They all succumb and fall over unconscious on the ground. He enters the subway and meets a man coming up the stairs, and when the latter gets a whiff of the garlic he too, goes down in a heap. Entering the car in the underground road he proceeds to waft the strong odor over the passengers, with the effect that each in turn goes down and out on the floor of the coach. When he reaches the next station he alights, leaving the car looking more like a hospital than anything.
Les apprentissages de Boireau
Boireau's father keeps trying to apprentice him to a different trade. Each time, the youngster annoys the customers and destroys the goods and property.
La chanson du lin