Ruth Hart


A Volta de Arsène Lupin
Telephone Operator (uncredited)
Uma mulher e um homem competindo pelo afeto de uma mulher: o trio amoroso de sempre? Não é bem assim, já que a bela em questão é Lorraine de Grissac, uma mulher muito rica e atraente da sociedade, enquanto uma das duas rivais não é outra senão Arsène Lupin, a famosa ladra de joias que todos pensavam estar morta, agora vivendo sob o nome falso de René Farrand. Quanto ao outro pretendente, é um americano, ex-F.B.I. O detetive virou detetive particular com o nome de Steve Emerson. Steve não apenas suspeita que Farrand seja Lupin, mas quando alguém tenta roubar um precioso colar de esmeraldas do tio de Lorraine, o Conde de Brissac, ele é persuadido que Lupin é o culpado. Emerson está certo ou errado? Qual dos dois homens conquistará o coração de Lorraine?
Aproveite a Mocidade!
Mary (uncredited)
Andy Hardy and his sister find romance during a family vacation in Catalina.
A Flash of Light
At Second Party
An experiment goes wrong and blinds a newly married chemist. The chemist's wife does not want to take on the burden of caring for the blind chemist, and her younger sister take her place.
A Victim of Jealousy
The young husband's irrational jealousy makes him suspicious of every attention bestowed upon his wife. Even the minister, who performed their marriage ceremony, making a pastoral call annoys him. They attend a social gathering, and his ill-concealed perturbation at his young wife's affability with all present spoils her evening's pleasure, and finally induces her to ask to be taken home. Arriving home, a stormy scene ensues, and there might have been a separation but for the wife's subtleness in placing within his range delicate reminders of her own gentleness.
A Child of the Ghetto
In Second Shop
After her mother's death, Ruth struggles to support herself as a seamstress. While Ruth delivers shirts to the factory owner, the owner's son steals some money and Ruth is accused of the crime. She flees the ghetto of New York's Lower East Side and hides in the country where she meets a young farmer.
The Last Deal
The Wife
Owen Moore is addicted to gambling and about to lose his family and job because of it. James Kirkwood, his brother-in-law, shows up and cures him of his gambling fever.
The Honor of His Family
Woman at Farewell
An old colonel is proud as a peacock: his son leads a group of volunteers in the American Civil War. Untill one day his son returns home as a deserter.
A Corner in Wheat
Por capricho, um magnata ganancioso decide dominar o mercado mundial de trigo. Isso dobra o preço do pão, forçando os produtores de grãos a entrar em filas de caridade e outros ainda mais na pobreza. O filme contrasta as diferenças entre a vida de quem trabalha para cultivar o trigo e a vida do homem que se envolve em sua venda com fins lucrativos.
The Mountaineer's Honor
A mountain girl is seduced by a traveler from the valley. Her brother tracks the seducer down and kills him. In retaliation, the sheriff captures the brother and prepares to lynch him. Mother intervenes and, to save her son the disgrace of hanging, shoots him.
The Light That Came
A disfigured young woman with two beautiful sisters is courted by a blind man. Will he still love her when his sight is restored?