Yuri is looking forward to marrying her fiancé Minoru. However, a few days before the wedding she falls victim to his brother Takehiko, and against her will, she becomes Takehiko's wife. The day after the wedding, Yuri begins her silent revenge by not talking to her husband. She retains her love for Minoru and never gives herself to Takehiko's embrace again. She also contributes large sums of money from Takehiko's fortune to charity.
No final do século XVIII, um jovem samurai beberrão viaja com seus dois servos pela estrada de Tokaido, rumo a Edo (atual Tóquio). Ao longo do caminho, são acompanhados por todo tipo de pessoas que fazem o mesmo trajeto: andarilhos, vendedores, artistas, camponeses, um menino órfão e também, segundo as autoridades, um ladrão de identidade desconhecida.