Ivan Kozelka


Chaplin Today: 'The Gold Rush'
Camera Operator
African filmmaker Idrissa Ouedraogo (YAABA) discusses the influence that Charlie Chaplin has been on his work, along with archival footage of interviews with several of Chaplin's co-stars.
Les Amoureux
Director of Photography
In a rural French town, a 15-year-old closeted gay boy breaks free from his idolization of his older and ostensibly free-wheeling half-sister, learning to trust himself and become independent.
A Divina Comédia
Director of Photography
Um manicômio. Os doentes dessa instituição acham que são Jesus, Lázaro, Marta, Maria, Adão, Eva, Sonia, Raskolnikov, Aliosha e Ivan Karamasov, um Filósofo, um Profeta, um Fariseu, Santa Teresa d'Avila, e estão sempre recitando a Divina Comédia.
Walking in the Land of the Old
A documentary directed by Marianne Ahrne, based on the French writer Simone de Beauvoir's Essay of the Age. The film discusses whether older people are really treated as human beings or not