Charles Millsfield

Nascimento : 1876-11-06, Netherlands

Morte : 1962-09-18


Sinfonia de Paris
Man with Books (uncredited)
O veterano da Segunda Guerra Mundial, Jerry, vive em Paris tentando se firmar como pintor. Ele conhece a milionária Milo que o apoia e tenta ajudá-lo a subir na carreira, mesmo estando mais interessada em Jerry do que na sua arte. Mas ele acaba se apaixonando por Lise que está noiva de Henri, por quem ela tem uma dívida de gratidão por ter salvado sua família e ela durante a guerra.
Spook Busters
Dean Pettyboff
The Bowery Boys--Slip, Sach, Bobby, Whitey & Chuck--start their own exterminating service, and get a job which takes them to a spooky old abandoned mansion in the middle of the night. Meeting up with pal Gabe and his new French bride, the boys are tormented by mad scientists who try to convince them the place is haunted and then kidnap Sach in order to place his brain inside a gorilla.
Man in Library (uncredited)
A rough and tumble man of the sea falls for a meek librarian.
Os Assassinos da Rua Morgue
Bearded Man at Sideshow (uncredited)
Em 1845, em Paris, o cientista louco Dr. Mirakle sequestra mulheres jovens e as injeta com sangue de macaco para criar uma companheira para Erik, seu macaco falante de show secundário. Pierre Dupin, um jovem e ingênuo estudante de medicina e detetive, a noiva de Pierre, Camille L'Espanaye, e seus amigos Paul e Mignette, visitam o show secundário de Mirakle, onde expõem Erik. Tanto Mirakle quanto seu servo Janos estão encantados por Camille, que Mirakle planeja como companheira de Erik. Mirakle convida Camille para dar uma olhada em Erik, que agarra seu chapéu. Pierre tenta recuperar o capô, mas Erik tenta estrangulá-lo. Mirakle restringe Erik e se oferece para substituir o capô, mas Camille desconfia e reluta em dar seu endereço ao médico. Quando Pierre e Camille partem, Mirakle ordena que Janos os siga.
The Ol' Gray Hoss
Bearded Man
This story revolves around an old man who feels alone in the world aside from the gang who keeps him company and his old horse. He runs a horse and buggy business, but he has new competition: an auto taxi. The gang helps him to maintain his job by sabotaging the other man's.
The Isle of Love
Pom Pom
The original film featured the then unknown Rudolph Valentino. To cash in on his rise to stardom, it was re-edited to feature more of him. Various shots were repeated several times; long shots were blown up into close-ups and inter-cut with other footage; some scenes were projected on a loop, so that Rudolph Valentino repeated the same motions several times over; one scene was used as a flashback; and out-takes from the original were inserted into the new film. In addition, the locale of the new picture was switched from World War 1 Germany to a desert island by the simple expedient of inserting shots of bathing beauties on a palm-fringed beach throughout the film.