Na Hollywood dos tempos modernos, um grupo de jovens adultos manipuladores e poderosos vive uma vida sem regras. Christian (James Deen) adora utilizar seu status prestigioso nos filmes que produz - que frequentemente incluem atos sexuais a três, dos quais ele participa. Seu namorada, Tara (Lindsay Lohan) já foi uma modelo de renome mas, diante da decadência, preferiu o conforto da vida tumultuada ao lado de Christian.
A very special shipment of tainted pork arrives in Santa Fe, N.M., transforming anyone who eats it into a brilliant, but psychotic, braniac -- including a dimwitted bimbo and a punk botanist who can now hear her beloved plants.
Shane Silverman
Kelly Deerdale, Hawaii's wild child or an innocent girl caught up in a lifestyle she doesn't understand? In either case, she forces former Hawaii Skinnydipper Jimmy Chow to re-examine his naturists beliefs.
Vatican Choir Member (uncredited)
Nesta prequela de "O Código Da Vinci", o simbologista Robert Langdon tentará impedir que uma antiga sociedade secreta destrua o Vaticano durante o conclave para eleger um novo papa.
Charles Coddington
A pretentious underground filmmaker struggles with his masterpiece while a scuzzy punkoid chick tries to keep her band from fading into obscurity.
This film involves three interwoven stories with the only seeming connection being the delusions of the involved leads. In the first element of the film, a hot-tempered world tennis star loses endorsement contracts when the press outs him even though he claims the report is false. In the second, a talent-less woman struggles to make it in the world of fashion design or the music video business. In the last, an animal activist runs a dog-adoption agency and has an imaginary friend who appears in a St. Bernard suit.
X-Ray Spex (Mod)
West Side Story meets Rumble in the Bronx meets A Clockwork Orange. Bizarre tale of London, a lonely teen yearning for affection and a leather jacket who lives in a dysfunctional family home where the mother keeps popping and sexually playing with her other child, X-Ray, a member of a gang of Mods who are constantly at war with a gang of Asian Bikers. Amidst this turmoil, London and her soul mate M16 search for meaning in a phantasmagoria without it.
Tom Sawyer The Lawyer
In a Japanese-American family, the mother is stealing the terminally ill grandpa's morphine, the airhead sister is having sex with the family lawyer, one brother gets perfect grades but is hiding a secret gay love of skinheads, and the other brother is a junkie. Over the course of one evening, the family falls apart due to their bizarre behaviour.
A man falls in love with his friend's wife. Psychodrama ensues.
“We're a bunch of spoiled teenagers with nothing better to do than sit around and talk meaningless shit. Let's face it. All we'll be doing for the next 75 minutes is smoking, drinking wine and complaining about not having anything to do.”
Harvey Finsecker
Em Nova York, estudantes de diversas origens sociais de uma escola de artes cênicas aprendem a atuar, cantar e dançar. Coco Hernandez, Doris Finsecker, Montgomery MacNeil e Raul Garcia se deparam com seus sonhos e suas frustrações no decorrer do curso mas, acima de tudo, almejam serem amados e reconhecidos artisticamente.
Hobo Joe
On Valentine's Day 1962, the kids aboard the Funship learn important life lessons.