Anne Riegel


O Efeito Aquático
Samir, 40 e poucos anos, trabalha como operador de guindaste em Montreuil, nos arredores de Paris. Vivendo um amor avassalador e platônico pela professora de natação Agathe, ele, na falta de um plano melhor, decide se matricular em uma das classes da amada, mesmo sabendo nadar perfeitamente. Mas seu falso papel de aprendiz dura apenas três dias e, quando a verdade vem à tona, Agathe fica furiosa. Será o fim? Não exatamente. Durante uma viagem a trabalho para a Islândia, Agathe aproveita a distância para olhar o episódio sob uma nova perspectiva.
The Wolf: Marine Mammal
The wolf of British Columbia is on a quest to master water, fishing and swimming. According to several specialists, the wolf is at the first stage of a process that could turn it into a marine mammal. How will its evolution unfold?
Lulu Nua e Crua
Após uma entrevista de emprego mal sucedida, Lulu decide não voltar para casa, deixando o marido e os filhos à sua espera. Ela não tem nada planejado e se dá alguns dias de liberdade, aproveitando plenamente o que vier em seu caminho. Neste caminho, ela acaba encontrando pessoas que também estão na beira do mundo e alguém que perdeu de vista há muito tempo: ela mesma.
Queen of Montreuil
It's early summer and Agathe is back in France, at home in Montreuil. She has to get over her husband's death and return to her work as a film director. The unexpected arrival at her house of a couple of Icelanders, a sea lion and a neighbour that she has always desired yet never vanquished will give Agathe the strength to get her life back on track...
Shanghai: The Roaring 20's
Shanghai in the 30s: money rules in this city open to all adventures and whose reputation attracts all the bold adventurers of the world. Albert Londres, one of the most famous journalists of the time, who is in Shanghai in 1924 reports to his newspaper. In 1932, the city is plunged into an armed conflict triggered by Japan, served as a curtain raiser for a new dispensation. Following the lashing rise of Du Yuesheng in Shanghai, the godfather of the Green Gang, we embark on an exploration of the period when bankers and drug traffickers, revolutionaries and nationalists made history. Unpublished Chinese archive materials, private archives, old feature films, period newspapers, police reports, diplomatic correspondence, journalism by Albert Londres and explorations of present-day Shanghai, sketch the portrait of a world that continues to fascinate the West.
Shanghai: The Roaring 20's
Shanghai in the 30s: money rules in this city open to all adventures and whose reputation attracts all the bold adventurers of the world. Albert Londres, one of the most famous journalists of the time, who is in Shanghai in 1924 reports to his newspaper. In 1932, the city is plunged into an armed conflict triggered by Japan, served as a curtain raiser for a new dispensation. Following the lashing rise of Du Yuesheng in Shanghai, the godfather of the Green Gang, we embark on an exploration of the period when bankers and drug traffickers, revolutionaries and nationalists made history. Unpublished Chinese archive materials, private archives, old feature films, period newspapers, police reports, diplomatic correspondence, journalism by Albert Londres and explorations of present-day Shanghai, sketch the portrait of a world that continues to fascinate the West.
Back Soon
Anna Hallgrimsdottir, a poetess, dish washer and marijuana dealer in her late thirties, lives in Reykjavik with her two sons, Krummi and Ulfur. Anna is tired of her lifestyle and the coldness of Iceland and wishes to show her sons more of the world. Finally she decides to do something about it, move on, and somewhat change her lifestyle. The first step in her revival is to sell her business which consists of her mobile telephone which includes her big list of clients. The sale is an unusual one and the potential buyer promises her the asking price within 48 hours. During those 48 hours Anna gets into all kinds of “Icelandic familial adventures” as her kitchen fills up with customers/friends, partying, while waiting for her to come Back Soon.
L'ennemi naturel causou polêmica por mostrar algumas cenas de nudez frontal do ator Aurélien Recoing, já que o ator é bem dotado. Críticos de cinema julgaram que as cenas eram desnecessárias.Nicolas Luhel, um jovem oficial da justiça, chega a Plouescat, uma pequena cidade no norte da França. A polícia quer esclarecer as circunstâncias que envolvem a morte de um adolescente. A mãe do rapaz acusa o seu ex-marido, Serge Tanguy, de ter planejado o crime, mas o motivo do crime permanece por esclarecer. A violência da tragédia, a força da natureza e a solidão acabam por despertar em Nicolas ansiedades e desejos, antes ocultos. Fragilizado pelo suicídio da testemunha principal, ele deixa-se seduzir pela estranha fascinação exercida por Tanguy em todos os que o rodeiam.
Forged Paintings in Real Icelandic Landscapes
This is a tale of forged paintings. Nothing could be more ordinary. Only the action takes place in Iceland, a country with a population of 300.000, where everybody is cousin with everybody else and has been for generations. The minor incident suddenly becomes a major affair.
Stormy Weather
The psychiatry department of a young doctor Cora has just admitted a young lady who refuses to speak and whose identity remains unknown. Cora becomes fond of her patient and establishes a relationship which goes beyond the usual course of treatment. She feels a kind of "call" from this woman as a strange and strong tie grows between them. One day, Cora learns that the identity of her patient has been discovered. Her name is Loa, she is a stranger, she has been sent back home…to Iceland. Cora, who had no idea of this woman's life outside their relationship, is deeply moved : she decides to meet up with her in order to finish the treatment.