Peter Spraggon


No Limite do Ódio
Reuben, dispensado do Exército depois de ser condecorado por sua atuação nas Malvinas e na Irlanda do Norte, volta a Londres. Surpreso por encontrar preconceito e dificuldade em arrumar emprego, percebe que foi abandonado por seu país.
The Man with the Power
Boysie discovers he has 'second sight' but neither his girlfriend Gloria nor his work-mate Brian will accept his 'gift'. He sets out on a spiritual voyage that leads to Adler, a 'sensitive', and finally to the devil himself.
Killer's Moon
Mr. Jones
Four mental patients - who, due to unauthorized experiments, believe they're living in a dream and have shed all moral imperatives - escape and find their way to the nearest bus-load of stranded schoolgirls.
Fast Hands
Jimmy is a talented young boxer. Every punch he throws is eagerly watched by his trainer, and resented by his girlfriend. His parents, however, aren't particularly interested – until a large car and what appears to be a handsome contract arrive at the door.
Rumpole of the Bailey
Prison Officer
An irreverent barrister chooses to defend a young Jamaican boy accused of stabbing on the same day his only son leaves for college in America.