Daniel Findlay


Attorneys At Love
What if after meeting "the one", you get to know what happens before you commit?
Attorneys At Love
What if after meeting "the one", you get to know what happens before you commit?
A Few Less Men
Os planos de viagem para três homens em smokings de casamento mal ajustados saem horrivelmente errados.
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Executive Producer
Um assassino (Simon Pegg) descobre que ele não é a única pessoa a tentar matar Siren (Alice Braga) uma cidade de surf banhada pelo sol. Neste suspense e comédia sombria, o assassino encontra-se desvendando três histórias de caos, assassinato, chantagem e vingança.
Andy is like a lot of young men, he loves his girlfriend and hates his job but what sets him apart from most isn't the life he leads, it's what's living in his wall.