Barry Komisaruk


A Sexplanation - Educação Sexual sem Tabu
Determinado a consertar os erros de sua própria formação, um repórter de 36 anos embarca em missão para descobrir a verdade nua e crua e reivindicar uma educação sexual mais completa para todos.
In a post-sexual revolution world, roughly one-third of all women have never experienced an orgasm. Armed with shocking sexual data, a bunch of insecurities and a determination to unlock the key to feminine sexual energy, filmmakers Catherine Oxenberg and Gabrielle Anwar seek out sexual experts, tantric masters, researchers, and everyday women to unearth feminism's full potential.
Sex How It Works
We've been doing it since we first walked the Earth. It gives us pleasure and it gives us life. But how much do you know about how sex works? Now, National Geographic Channel takes a fascinating look at one of the world's most popular pastimes: sex. Through gripping real-life stories and simulations, we journey from first times to playing the field, and all the way to humankind's ultimate goal, procreation. We'll learn anything and everything you've ever wondered about sex.