Penny Brahms

Penny Brahms

Nascimento : , London, England, UK


Penny Brahms


Drácula no Mundo da Minissaia
Hippy Girl
Hyde Park, Londres, 1872. Uma luta sem tréguas acontece entre Lawrence Van Helsing e seu arquiinimigo, o Conde Drácula. Van Helsing consegue destruir seu inimigo, que vira pó, mas em razão dos ferimentos sofridos acaba morrendo. Alguém pega o anel de Drácula e recolhe um pouco de suas cinzas em uma ampola. Exatamente 100 anos depois alguns jovens, comandados por Johnny Alucard, fazem uma missa negra, sendo que uma das participantes era Jessica Van Helsing, descendente do caçador de vampiros. Como ela quase todos estavam ali de brincadeira, mas quando a cerimônia toma um rumo inesperado a maioria foge e não vê que Johnny ressuscitou Drácula, que imediatamente suga todo o sangue de Laura Bellows, a única do grupo além de Johnny que não partira. Johnny, com prazer, vê o mestre se saciar com sangue de Laura. Drácula agora quer se vingar dos descendentes de Van Helsing, sendo que o único que pode enfrentá-lo é o professor Van Helsing, o avô de Laura, que é um estudioso do assunto
On their way home from the Isle of Wight Pop Festival, Jeff, Trev and Mick along with girlfriends Marty and Cathy decide to pitch a tent on private land. In the morning the land's owner Rafe turns up and orders them to get off his lawn but changes his mind when one of the girls emerges naked from the tent. Rafe explains he only comes down to the house at weekends and lets them stay providing they redecorate his house. The squatters agree but once Rafe leaves they plot to organize a pop festival at the house. Attempting to raise cash for the venture, the men coerce their girlfriends into making a blue movie. When this proves disastrous Jeff goes to London and poses as a pop journalist in order to book the groups "Crazy Mabel" and "The Juicy Lucy" for the festival.
Football Fan
Edwin Antony (Hywel Bennett) is emasculated in an accident which kills a young philanderer. Doctors successfully replace his member with that of the dead man, but refuse to tell him the full story of the organ's origin. So Edwin begins a search which takes him to the philanderer's wife - and also to his many, many girlfriends...
Games That Lovers Play
Constance Chatterley
Joanna Lumley and Penny Brahms star as notorious prostitutes Fanny Hill and Lady Chatterley faced with the challenge of seducing the seemingly impossible in this 1970s sex comedy
Passion Potion
Mary Cawfield
By chance the perfume creators Mike and Al produce a scent that makes women go wild for sex. While they desperately try to find the recipe for their product of chance, they use it on random women they meet in the train and fuck their brains out in a hut in the forest. A central problem is to explain their absence from work to wives and colleagues.
An American agent has tracked down the stronghold of an evil criminal mastermind, determined to take over the world (what, another one ?).
2001: Uma Odisséia no Espaço
Desde a “Aurora do Homem” (a pré-história), um misterioso monólito negro parece emitir sinais de outra civilização, assim interferindo no nosso planeta. Quatro milhões de anos depois, no século XXI, uma equipe de astronautas liderados pelo experiente David Bowman (Keir Dullea) e Frank Poole (Gary Lockwood) é enviada ao planeta Júpiter para investigar o enigmático monólito na nave Discovery, totalmente controlada pelo computador HAL-9000. Entretanto, no meio da viagem, HAL-9000 entra em pane e tenta assumir o controle da nave, eliminando um a um os tripulantes.
Emboscada Para Matt Helm
When an experimental flying saucer crashes, secret agent Matt Helm has to bring back the secret weapons hidden on board.
A Loteria da Vida
Twittering Female on the Moors
In Victorian England, a fortune now depends on which of two brothers outlives the other—or can be made to have seemed to do so.