Pavel Blyakhin


The Elusive Revengers
Dan'ka's and Ksanka's childhood in the village has been brutally ended when their father was killed by the White Guard officer in front of their eyes. Seeking revenge they join forces with an intellectual from the city Valerka and jipsy Yashka, but before they get close to their enemy they have to help their village and advancing Red Army.
In the Name of God
Religiously themed early Soviet propaganda film in Azerbaijan against Islam. Unlike earlier propaganda films in the region, this was actually made by an (nearly) all Azeri cast and crew and directed by an Azeri filmmaker that would go on to be famous amongst his own people, despite his early collusion with the new ruling government. At the center of the film is a greed Molla (holy man in Azeri Islam) who has been cheating one of the local peasants for years out of all types of goods and services, and then delighting over his success in an very un-religious, specifically un-Islamic, way. Once the Revolution takes place and the Bolsheviks arrive, the peasant is empowered and realizes the deception on the part of the Molla and takes him to the newly set up "People's Court," where is finds justice and the Molla is punished.
Os Demônios Vermelhos
Crianças atuam como heroínas lutando na cavalaria e Exército Vermelho durante a Guerra Civil Russa nas proximidades do sul ucraniano. O menino Misha lê livros de James Fenimore Cooper e a menina Dunyasha lê "The Gadfly" de Voynich; ambos juntam-se ao artista de rua, de pele negra e exótico, Tom Jackson para deter a invasão de sua vila pelo bando de Makhnó. Nestor Makhnó [Makhno] foi "líder anarco-comunista ucraniano, se negou a se submeter ao governo bolchevique após a Revolução de Outubro, sendo um dos principais figurantes da Revolução Ucraniana. Constituiu o Exército Insurgente Makhnovista, de princípios anarquistas, que combateu o Exército Branco que tentou invadir a Ucrânia durante a Guerra Civil Russa, tendo eventualmente se aliado ao Exército Vermelho dos bolcheviques para tanto. Finda a guerra civil, sua milícia foi declarada ilegal e seus membros foram presos, deportados ou executados"