Restaurant Manager
Naomi, uma menina holandesa do sul de Amsterdã, tem uma queda pela bela menina árabe que mora na região pobre da zona oeste. Durante um verão mágico, as duas jogam um jogo de xadrez emocional, com sedução e atração.
Every morning six people who live in the same street are taking the bus into town. Thanks to their own routine they survive each day, until one of them meets death.
Police Officer
Every day Paul crosses a canal that separates the Amsterdam city center from the north side, where his lover Christiaan lives and waits for him. A dear routine for both - until one day Paul meets Claire, who starts seducing him into her very own universe, the Hotel Paradijs. Claire makes Paul the audience of her own play: a play where the roles are reversed and into which Paul is undeniably drawn.